Saturday 31 October 2015

{Image: The City of Light}[26th March 1987]

[Redbook3:31-32][19870326:1543m]{Image: The City of Light}[26th March 1987]


A few days ago, perhaps in response to various questions that have been puzzling me (e.g. where is the end, if any, on the Circle symbols? Is there a City in the Vale of Harmony on [...]land, and if so, what kind? And – a long-standing one – what happens after [the] Castle […]) – I had an image, which recurs, of what lies through the Stone Doorway at the summit of the [Mountain]: The Ultimate City. It is extremely difficult for me to describe what I see – and perhaps misleading and pointless to try, as symbolism has limitations and my inner eye is not likely to be clear. Vanity shivers the Vision. It is a City in Abstract: a City of Light, whose Form and Structure is Clear Light and whose Citizens are one with its Structure – so far as I can tell. The City shows slightly different facets, and seems to move, as the Light moves; but whether this is really so, I cannot say. It is enough to have seen it, and I hope to continue to see it, or at least to keep the memory of that Jewel in my mind's eye, as I go around.


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