Tuesday 13 October 2015

{Dreams and Prophecies}[7th September 1986]

[Redbook3:18-21][19860907:0612l]{Dreams and Prophecies}[7th September 1986]


It is perhaps worth stating (or re-stating) my views about these dreams; these views are likely to change. I am fairly certain that the dreams provide a form of access to parts of the Mind to which it is difficult to obtain access during normal waking life. What these parts of the Mind are, and what is the validity of their insights, is not certain. The access seems to be under the control (if that is the right word) of the parts of the mind accessed, or at least not of the normal waking mind.

Conclusions arrived at in, or as a result of, such dreams are likely to be presented in symbolic terms. Where they are arrived at solely as a result of knowledge possessed by (or through) the normal waking mind, no logical problem arises in accepting their validity: where the conclusions are verifiable in the short-term, many people have attested to the success of this process (not least scientists)*. This does not mean, of course, that they have to be right; merely that they often are.

*e.g. the structure of Benzene? <930120>



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