Friday 2 October 2015

{A Dream: [(1)] The Bishop, the Priest and the Pale Spirit}[7th September 1986]

[Redbook3:9-10][19860907:0612b]{A Dream: [(1)] The Bishop, the Priest and the Pale Spirit}[7th September 1986]


(1) A bishop visits a priest who has a failure-to-cope problem (like alcoholism, but probably not that). * Together they travel to a different place, at right-angles to the original place, where the (pale) spirit of a person formerly living on Earth comes to their assistance. Following from what they do there, an image and a message of significance are revealed: the image of an infinite succession of mothers, loving and naked, holding their naked new-born babies; and the words: '...No mother need ever again be separated from (/lose?) her Baby.' Waking, I had an appointment to meet next day an Auditor, a man whom I knew to have lost his daughter. In the context of my moving to Scotland, he talked to me about religious matters, the loss of his daughter (who was 13, and died in March, within the space of about three days, from pneumonia), and the help he had received from people during this period. After some hesitation I told him about this dream: he seemed moved by the message (which I think I got slightly wrong); but I felt strongly that I was at a critical moment in my own development, which I must not refuse. Afterwards I felt (when driving home) at first moved and elated, then rather flat and anti-climactical [sic]; finally dazed and very tired. I did try not to feel pleased with myself.**

(Here I may have missed out some dreams of significance – what a beautifully ambiguous expression – there was at any rate a gap in time between the first dream, soon after arriving at [C], and the next series, which happened close together, starting either just before or just after we arrived at [The Round House].)

*I am at the moment being put forward by Canon [XQ] *** to Archbishop [FM], the two being close friends <890915> . [X[Q]] was in his 'semi-retirement' parish following 1 or 2 heart attacks due to stress <930120>. I met [FM] (now retired) with [X[Q]] after they had come together from [X[Q]]'s house to [The Cross] Church [<930120>(?)]

**[How did he feel, really?]

***[Also (formerly?) the Diocesan Exorcist.]


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