Monday 29 March 2021

{The Church and I [continued (4)]}[4th April 1990]

[Redbook7:118-119][19900404:2346]{The Church and I [continued (4)]}[4th April 1990]


*There is another possible explanation for all this** – not very flattering to my self-esteem,*** but quite funny in an ironic sort of way.**** It arises out of my perception of the pattern which events have followed in my relationship with the Church, here in Wales. This is set out above, over many pages, so I shall not relate it again other than in summary: the interlocking of events and ideas leading to my application,# with the strong strand for, and the weaker but growing strand against; and the way in which the Church and I have interlocked briefly and now seem to be drifting apart.#*

The idea owes something to the idea of the selfish gene. It goes something like this: The Circle pattern, C[ircles] A[nalysis] and S[ynthesis], or the Wheel of Angels (The Ophanim), is not only an archetype of pure characters (for example) and pure development – it is also the nearest thing to an archetype of pure idea. As Archetype of archetypes, it has a tremendous autonomy: hence its simultaneous re-appearance in different fields of study. An autonomous idea must in theory be capable, at least using its own constituent parts (eg sub-ideas), of moving itself by whatever means are available.

*{ref [[Redbook7:80-81][19900307:2322]{Soliciting the Future}[7th March 1990],] 81}

**[See [Redbook7:104-114][19900328:1738]{Tested Again}[28th March 1990]ff, &

[Redbook7:115-121][19900404:1531]{The Church and I}[4th April 1990]ff]

***but it is, in another way – rescuing me from pointlessness & failure <900405>

****(& quite possibly merely the product of a strong synthesising tendency)

#eg [Canon] [XQ] told [W] that on the day he put the idea of the church to me, he had not even intended to visit us; but it had been on my mind for some time.

[Underlining added later]

#*[[Redbook7:115-121][19900404:1531]{The Church and I}[4th April 1990]]



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