Monday 8 March 2021

{Dream: Of Two Journeys to the Church}[25th March 1990] (Sunday)

[Redbook7:102-104][19900325:1023]{Dream: Of Two Journeys to the Church}[25th March 1990]



In an interesting dream this morning (but without that quality of integrity, without even the same sense of significance),* I twice made the same journey through a snowy, ** hilly country in a small company: but the second time, there was discord in the company, {(}for example, a car was moved*** near to where a living infant lay buried under a pile of snow: I quickly stood between car and infant, to protect him, and then rescued the infant; but the infant’s guardian seemed unappreciative{)}.

Immediately after the end of the second journey (both ended at a house on a main road)**** I was in a Church service together with a small group, perhaps from the journey?, [sic] all male, in a special small section near the back of the Church. The Assistant Bishop (the man I met on 15th March)# came back and selected all the others to help him, at the Altar, but not me. I was extremely upset by this – by being left out, alone. I think I was wearing my black woolly [‘]terrorist[’]#* hat, as well as the black academic gown which all the others were wearing.

*[See last previous entry]

**{Symbol of C}

***cf III. [[Redbook3:16-18][19860907:0612k]{A Dream: [(7)] The Church Militant}[7th September 1986],] 17 <900405>

****[cf [Redbook7:90-91][19900317:2244]{Dream: Of Several Buildings}[17th March 1990], & esp

[Redbook7:91][19900317:2244b]{Dream: Of Several Buildings [continued]}[17th March 1990] & fn=#*]

#ref [[Redbook7:88][19900315:1716b]{The Assistant Bishop}[15th March 1990],] 88

#*[As the writer used to describe it, harking back to his time in the Reserves where he wore it at times on exercises.]



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