Wednesday 15 April 2020

{Historical Circles (3) [continued]*}[12th September 1989]

[Redbook6:242-248][19890912:1140i]{Historical Circles (3) [continued]*}[12th September 1989]


**This is, of course, very well-trodden ground, and has never (in the treading) been attended with much success.***
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Perhaps a way to re-start is to assume a period or pattern of periods (quite possibly not for the first time) and try again to get a fit – without distortion, as you can make anything fit if you squeeze it hard enough in the right places.**** However, acceleration around C (and corresponding deceleration around A~) would be permissible even though it would tend mightily to confuse the interlocking of sub-circles – particularly of quarter-cycles with their single-cycle. This could, after all, be what makes identification so difficult.

*[continued from entry before last]

**[See last entry but one]

***(Pompous fellow!)

****[cf confirmation bias (& clustering)]



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