Tuesday 14 April 2020

{(C & A[~])}[12th September 1989]

[Redbook6:241][19890912:1140h]{(C & A[~])}[12th September 1989]

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There is a common factor between C & A~ here* (by diametric resonance): the divide. 

In C’s case (the central degree) it is brought about by the Individual’s (or Institution’s) own choice, whatever the pressures: it is a conscious decision within his control, which I should do well to remind myself.** In A~’s case (the manufactural degree) it is an unconscious and uncontrolled split, although again often affected by external pressures. ***C, of course, leads in two opposite directions; A~**** is more of a fork between two # (and potentially more) curves; in both cases, it is inner v outer. 

This explains some of the pattern [of] cycles-within-cycles, ie that they seem to halve or double their periods; but bear in mind that in planetary ellipses the planet moves faster round the end nearer the Sun (covering the same area in relation to it in a given time).#*

*[See last previous entry]

**[ref [Redbook6:237-238][19890912:1140d]{Personal Circles [continued (4)]}[12th September 1989]?]

***{cf V.[[Redbook5:182-183][19880620:0000b[?]]{Dream: of a Re-opened Railway}[20th June 1988]] 182}

****[The ms has ‘M’ here but this must be a mistake for A~, probably arising from the name of the fictional archetype (Mk) at the degree A~]

#{cf II.[[Redbook2:341-343][19840702:0830]{A Dream: The Right Lines}[2nd July1984]] 343}

#*{But surely A~ & C would still be half way time-points in relation to each other?}


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