Saturday 4 April 2020

{Circle and Sphere Directions [continued]}[12th September 1989]

[Redbook6:234][19890912:1002c]{Circle and Sphere Directions [continued]}[12th September 1989]


What is needed, therefore,* is a directional naming system which will identify the directions of F and I, C and A~ in commonly acceptable terms for both orientations – ie the printed page and the overhead reality. This may prove difficult!

Left and Right remain, of course. Depth and Shallowness, with their connotations of Human personality and intelligence, are perhaps best left to correspond to the Inward and Outward of nearness to and farness from the Spirit (ie whether and to what extent the Spirit is unveiled/veiled).

North and South are best avoided because of confusion with actual earthbound practices.*

The best I can come up with at the moment – and it does, unfortunately, require explanation and continued memory-correction – is Up and Down (for C and A~ [respectively]) against High and Low (for F and I [respectively]). But on reflection, this leaves me without comparatives for Up and Down – I can’t very well say that Christ is Upper** than Seraphim, even though by ‘The Most High’ I generally understand F.

*[See last previous entry]

**(or Topper, for that matter)



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