Thursday 30 April 2020

{Biblical Circles (3) [continued (3)]}[13th September 1989]

[Redbook6:256-257][19890913:0927h]{Biblical Circles (3) [continued (3)]}[13th September 1989]


The other* significant feature would be a surprise if I had not already been working in that direction, although it completely overturns my former speculations on the subject. It is that Prophets are found, not at s~ as I have suggested earlier,** but [at] J~G~R~ at least on a state’s cycle. (So perhaps Saints are at s~, or m~-s~?) Actually this makes a great deal of sense – this is the side of Revelation and inspirational thought;#** and it is the stage in a state’s life cycle where things are going structurally wrong, where clear-sighted people can see that things are going structurally wrong, and where no one else seems to see it or be able or willing to do anything about it. Prophets are therefore indeed the inner circle equivalent of artistic people on the outer circle: men*** quite possibly [‘]of unclean lips[’],# but called and inspired by God.

The interesting characteristic of this cycle is that there appears to be no contra-rotation in the development of Israel at all, unless one can stretch it a bit by saying that Moses ‘created’ Israel at Sinai (presumably by the legal equivalent of creative accountancy). Radial resonance appears, particularly in the second (left) side of the circle, in the Individuals in opposition to the secular, outward symptoms of that stage of the outer circle.

*[See last previous entry]

**ref Vol {IV. [[Redbook4:199-200][19871206:1235e]{Sense and Sensibility (2)}[6th December 1987],] 199 [&f],
[[Redbook4:234-235][19871216:2211b]{Prophecy and Intellection, Wisdom and Intuition}[16th December 1987],] 234,
V [[Redbook5:13-14][19880212:1155f]{Multiple Viewpoints and Single Minds [continued (6)]}[12th February 1988] ] 13}

**cf also T[arot]XVI at j~

***[& women, of course; this should go without saying, throughout these Journals, except where the context otherwise requires, eg in discussions of gender]
{Although the State, of course, is on the O[uter] C[ircle]; but the Prophet is pulled through into the I[nner] C[ircle] by the Spirit.

#[Isaiah 6.5]


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