Tuesday 12 November 2019

{The Soul Record}[3rd July 1989]

[Redbook6:143][19890703:1655]{The Soul Record}[3rd July 1989]


It might be thought (from what I have said about the fate of the Soul after Death)* that a general air of bonhomie and forgetfulness of one’s own sin and suffering is enough. But I do not think that this is the case.

Nothing is really forgotten: the Soul is made up of all that we have experienced (as well as certain qualities given to us from the first);** and therefore wrongs done to us and unforgiven, and wrongs done by us and unrepented of – the experience and effect of both of which in our Mind separates us from the Spirit of God in others and in ourselves – remain a part of what we are now, and help us to determine our fate beyond Death by being what we are.

*[See earlier vols]

**[ie from the start]


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