Friday 29 November 2019

{The Harvest Parables}[15th July 1989]

[Redbook6:154][19890715:1035]{The Harvest Parables}[15th July 1989]


I have been looking for a Biblical, preferably N[ew] T[estament], endorsement of the theory that goes with C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] as to why all this happens – why we are all here – ie that only in a Creation midway between the absolute freedom = absolute restriction of God the Spirit, a kind of bubble out of nothing,* can the experience be gained which gives an extra dimension to the quality (or, as we see it, qualities) of God. The Parable of the Sower,** and the greater part of its explanation, is exactly that; the whole group*** – the sower, the darnel (in M[at]t[hew] only), the seed growing by itself,**** the mustard seed, the yeast,# possibly the treasure# and the pearl,# and certainly the dragnet – describe in some detail what is happening. Even that puzzling statement about the standard begins to make sense: ‘The standard you use will be used for you – and you will receive more besides; anyone who has not, will be deprived even of what he has.’ #*

*[the Creation, not the Spirit]

**As given in [the Gospel according to] M[at]t[hew] <890716>

***M[ar]k 4: 1-20
M[at]t[hew] 13: 1-52
L[u]k[e] 8:1-15

****M[ar]k only

#M[at]t[hew] only

#*M[ar]k 4:24

#**The interpretation in M[ar]k & L[u]k[e] of the Parable of the Sower – that the seed is the word [sic] – is immediately modified by the language following, eg ‘Those… are people who….’. The solution is to consider that in the beginning of Man there is only the Spirit, which is almost certainly what is referred to (eg in [the Gospel according to] John) as the Word,#*** and such simple qualities of Soul as give a new-born Man [h]is individuality; hence the ambiguity as between Seed and Plant. <890716>

#***{??Surely not? See [[Redbook6:171][19890730:1409b]{The Spirit and the Word}[30th July 1989],] 171}


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