Friday 15 November 2019

{The Cure of Ills and the Forgiveness of Sins}[9th July 1989]

[Redbook6:146][19890709:1847]{The Cure of Ills and the Forgiveness of Sins}[9th July 1989]


Although Jesus is reported by all three synoptic Gospels to have claimed the power to forgive sins, in Matthew 9:6, Mark 2:10, and Luke 5:24* – ‘“To prove to you that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,” – then he said to the paralytic – “get up, pick up your bed and go off home.”’ – Young’s Concordance does not record a single instance where Jesus actually forgave sins himself (as his enemies alleged): his standard expression was: ‘Your sins are forgiven’.

This is the equivalent, for forgiveness, of ‘Your faith has made you whole’ for healing: Jesus does not claim to forgive the sins himself, he simply sees that the necessary condition (probably state of mind) for forgiveness has been achieved.

Although not all cures are accompanied by the expression ‘Your faith has made you whole’, I do not recall any instance where Jesus claimed to have healed anyone by his own efforts. There are a few occasions when he says that he will heal, either generally or particularly, or ordains his Disciples to heal others.**

*There appears to be no mention of forgiveness in [the Gospel according to] John at all.

**However, he personally drives out devils. This distinction makes a great deal of sense. <890711>


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