Tuesday 19 November 2019

{Loaves and Fishes Decoded [continued (4)]}[13th July 1989]

[Redbook6:149][19890713:1847d]{Loaves and Fishes Decoded [continued (4)]}[13th July 1989]


In summary, the overall message – highly important, to judge by Jesus’ stress on it in [the Gospel of] M[ar]k 8:14-21* – may be something like this:

In the first stage,** probably during the whole of Jesus’ earthly life, he teaches from the Torah, and from the Neviim and the Ketuvim,*** to the followers of the Law, who accept (it appears) only the Torah; the ‘residue’ which remains is the Jewish people, as before.

In the second stage, probably after Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, the whole Jewish Bible (TaNaKh) is taught as one, together with Jesus’ own sayings (ie the Gospels), to all the World’s peoples; the residue or result is the Gentile World in a state of mystic wholeness, presumably awaiting only Christ himself as its head
(or, in C[ircles] A[nalysis &] S[ynthesis] terms:

*[This para intentionally repeated from previous entry]

**[For text see last previous entry, fn#]

***[See table at [Redbook6:148-150][19890713:1847]{Loaves and Fishes Decoded}[13th July 1989]]

****[In the ms & the ts this image is less than 1cm in diameter]



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