Saturday 2 April 2016

(TAROT NUMBERING, AGES AND OCCUPATIONS [continued(5)])[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:162-163][19870409:1345r](TAROT NUMBERING, AGES AND OCCUPATIONS [continued(5)])[9th April 1987]


I would not necessarily expect statistical surveys of birthdates to support this* – these are very symbolic patterns – but naturally I should be overwhelmed if they did.** But as a caution, I have reread the article*** on [O.H.] and noticed that his birthdate is 16th May (i.e. precisely the opposite of where I placed his type as gleaned from the [Times] interview), whereupon I started looking for the opposite characteristics (e.g. compartmentalised mind, interest in art....)

Following on from the last marginal note[**above] – if it was discovered that (say) 10% of several particular occupations were born in the right Zodiac sign, instead of (say) the expected 8.33%, and if this was statistically significant – what it might mean in theory was that the influence of birth sign qualities etc. on my [sic] present type could be described as '10%' (in round terms).**** The other 90% of influence# might be accounted for by (for example, and in theory), say:

Heredity ([e.g.][O.H#*]'s grandfather and father were stockbrokers in the same firm.)
Parental influence ([e.g.][O.H#*]'s grandfather and father were stockbrokers in the same firm.)
Upbringing ([e.g.][O.H#*]'s grandfather and father were stockbrokers in the same firm.)

Education and training
Other environmental factors

Personal choice.

in varying degrees of importance, all incalculable.

What this would mean would be that the influence of birthdate would be in most cases very small – but it might exist.#** In the case of [O.H.], it means that we do not have to be thrown into disarray by finding that he was born on 16th May, merely (if there is something in the statistical results) to note it as a small but possibly contributory factor (e.g. encouraging an interest in the products of Art?#***

All the same, I don't want my comments taken as necessarily relating to the man – merely to a Type which I perceive, drawing partly on journalistic reportage, which may or may not be accurate with regard to the man referred to, but may well have some validity with regard to the Type.

*[See last previous entry.] (In case they don't.)

**Even if they did it would only be a significant correlation – which could be a relatively tiny percentage for an occupation (e.g. of 12 Zodiac signs (8.33%?), 10% [of any particular] occupations in one [sign] might be statistically significant? – leaving 90% elsewhere!

***[The original Times article is inserted in the ms. at p.148.]

****(instead of 8.33%.)
Is this a correct conclusion? <870410>

#(i.e. if all possible characteristics were represented on the Circles.)

#*[[Redbook3:148-149][19870409:1345b](QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS{1}[continued])[9th April 1987]]

#** i.e. as random variation would expect or as slightly more than random variation would expect. <[87]0410]>

#*** or frenetic energy? <[87]0410>



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