Saturday 9 April 2016

{Archetypes and Qualities(1)}[11th April 1987]

[Redbook3:169-172][19870411:2200]{Archetypes and Qualities(1)}[11th April 1987]


Thinking about my *dreams of xS and xP as being (both of them) naturally or functionally projected, i.e. real, not idealised: it may be because they were both seen on the Outer Circle (I assume); on the Inner Circle they might seem more idealised (i.e. more ethereal).**

So are they real? Yes, as symbols: more particularly as Archetypes who embody and personify the Qualities associated with them, for the purpose of assisting Individuals (or me, anyway); but no, not as superstitions, as gods or demi-gods for worship in the primitive fashion.

For a long time I would have been unhappy ***to write the legal disclaimer against defamation in my fictions, lest it shatter the illusion: a distaste that (I recognised) was not altogether ethically supportable. Now I see the fictions as vehicles for the development of these archetypes (and their guidance) in my awareness and that of any other reader: and I should be happy to preface each book with the words: 'This is a work of FICTION'.

So how can I say: 'Lover love Love and be beloved'****, in relation to xS? Because xS is the embodiment and personification of her Qualities, of which Love is supreme; and in the end – although it is quite correct to describe any statement of inner direct knowledge of xS as absolutely true – I suspect that it is the inwardly and directly known Quality which is an aspect of (or comes nearest to) the Objective Quality of Absolute Truth.#

*(ref p143ff [[[Redbook3:143-146][19870408:1218d](DREAMS OF xP & xS [continued](:Dream of xS (etc.)))[8th April 1987]]])

**or vv? <930418>

***{cf III.31[[Redbook3:31][19870326:1543l]{Recurring Image: Death and Dismemberment [continued(3)]}[26th March 1987]],82[[Redbook3:82-83][19870331:1825f]{Methodology – Fictions}[31st March 1987]]}

****p135; or, 'Lover love Love and you will be loved'.

#(ref p123-124 [[Redbook3:123-124][19870405:1057f](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE{1}[continued(6)])[5th April 1987]]) [& cf. [Redbook3:184-193][19870414:1003](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE (2))[14th April 1987] <20160409>]



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