Tuesday 5 April 2016

({Dream of} PERSHORE)[10th April 1987]

[Redbook3:164-166][19870410:1000]({Dream of} PERSHORE)[10th April 1987]


A dream this morning, which (like so many of this kind) seemed to start insignificantly and unmemorably, and become significant and memorable at a particular point: I was in what must have been a going-home-from-[boarding-]school train (or part of train), since the carriage was full of boys (including me) who all knew each other and started together but were getting off at different stations. (It must have been one of those wonderful trains, not so common now, which starts in London as an Express and ends up on some remote hilly railway in Cornwall, Wales or Scotland, stopping at every Station, until it reaches the Sea. But that is supposition).

At an early stage there was a shortage of seats, and I had to stand for a while, although this didn't bother me; and someone had left a carriage door open as we were moving, which I shut. Gradually (at intermediate Stations) the carriage emptied, until there were only a handful of us left. We started discussing who was going furthest. A Scottish boy from my […] school called Adams-Cairns* said he thought he must be going furthest. I said, with some emphasis: 'I can assure you you are not, Adams!' At the same time I heard another boy saying something more quietly to him ending with the name '…, Cairns.' (which it occurred to me at the time was the name by which he was normally called).

I then looked at my own ticket to see the station name. Like an airline ticket, it had a grey blank area for the station name: which, during a perceptible moment while I stared at it, remained blank.** Then on the blank grey area appeared the name: 'Pershore'.

*(I had been telling [W] a few days before about him with regard to racial teasing at [...] schools.)

**like a calculator or computer when you feed it a difficult problem.



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