Tuesday 19 January 2016

{Resonance [continued(3)]}[4th April 1987]

[Redbook3:99-100][19870404:1005h]{Resonance [continued(3)]}[4th April 1987]


I have mentioned the possible association of +K with Wales (the strongest of all the national associations within the Isles, which I feel are all fairly speculative and likely to shift from time to time and overlap etc.). Having felt the Qualities of xS and xP, I should expect more strongly to experience that of +K in the near future: perhaps as we reach Wales? (Prophecies of course can be self-fulfilling in more ways than one). The particular quality should be Revelation; the echoed or negative quality apparent on the Outer Circle would be Revolution.

(If my experience of the last twenty-four hours* has been understood correctly, Inner Circle qualities are linked with their Outer Circle counterparts in this way, i.e. the Individual passing on the Inner Circle is susceptible to the Outer Circle quality, but can protect himself against it. I do not know whether it works the other way: perhaps when passing through an Outer Circle quality one can invoke the aid of the Inner Circle quality?)***

I have no idea what speed**** of development is to be expected. If as I suspect the particular Crisis which I have described (earlier) is the main development of my adult(?) life, I presumably could expect the Inner Circle progress to take a similar time, i.e. measurable in one or more decades rather than months; beyond this I really have no idea. But the xS - +K - xP axis or triumvirate is one whose Inner Circle qualities suit me rather well, as I see them; and I am in no excessive hurry to pass on, even if I do take them with me. Love, Revelation and Creation, as axioms of living, are not to be sneezed at.

*[i.e since [Redbook3:94][19870404:1005](A RELAPSE)[4th April 1987].] These experiences may be partly due to a natural association with g~ - j~** – I do not now think that I had turned onto the I[nner]C[ircle], certainly not that far ahead. <890930>
**[g~ and j~ are (relatively) impersonal symbols for +K and xP respectively, originating in religious symbols/myths.]

***In History, certainly – see Booklet, S&C. <930331>

****ref. The Coach! (above) [[Redbook3:94-95][19870404:1005b]{Dream: The Speeding Coach}[4th April 1987]]


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