Saturday 16 January 2016

{At [xP]'s [continued]}[4th April 1987]

[Redbook3:97-98][19870404:1005e]{At [xP]'s [continued]}[4th April 1987]


Although I reserve judgement about the significance for individuals of actual birth dates – it can only be properly explored by more statistical studies – I might remark that [...] poor [...] is a Taurean, and is probably the most bitter and resentful person I have ever come across: she is actually driven by these aspects of her mentality, which will not let her go.*

Artists (Creation) are found here** by Eysenck's*** study, and Introverts and those of an anxious disposition here or nearby. Artists are observably often resentful people****, and not without reason, it might seem, given that most artists are ignored; but visual artists might seem to suffer from this complaint more than musicians or actors, or even writers, all of whom are just as likely to to suffer neglect, and probably need sponsorship more in order to justify or even continue their work. Visual artists (I assume artists means visual artists in this study, as musicians (and comedians) are placed elsewhere) tend (at least when young) towards a brand of activist politics which speaks resentment and fragmentation, and from which musicians seem to be **** *wholly, and actors mostly, absent. (Writers seem to hold all sorts of politics, but then all sorts of Individuals can put pen to paper). These are of course broad generalisations, but I believe the are likely to be broadly true; they are based on subjective observations, particularly over the last few years.

*(She may have changed.) (She has changed – with pregnancy.) <880307>

**[i.e. at xP; see last previous entry]

***Not Eysenck <880806>; Alan Smithers <890930>


**** *almost? <890930>


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