Friday 11 January 2019

{Undine (2)}[15th August 1988]

[Redbook5:291][19880815:0935h]{Undine (2)}[15th August 1988]


*The presence of the** Angelic Undine*** is as strong today as yesterday,* and in the same place, although her position (ie that of her limbs) changes slightly.

I do try to head off the more obvious and facile psychiatric interpretations: hence (partly at least) the attention I pay to sexuality in this context.**** I am [also] aware that the creation of imaginary playmates# is a characteristic of young children. However, such behaviour is (I believe) commonly associated with loneliness, and I am not lonely. Nor do I recall any such [imaginary] playmates in my own childhood;#* nor has anyone ever informed me that I spoke of any.

If this is creation, it is not invention: it is creation at a far more profound level than is commonly available, a level at which it makes sense to ask who or what exactly is doing the creating. From my point of view it is more like discovery.

*[[Redbook5:285-287][19880814:0040]{Undine (1)}[14th August 1988],] 287 →

**[Presumably, the foremost one in [Redbook5:285-287][19880815:0040]{Undine (1)}[15th August 1988]ff]

***[[Redbook5:283-284][19880814:1910]{Undines}[14th August 1988]]

****[eg [Redbook5:276][19880814:1130c]{Two Dreams: Of swimming with fair-haired girls [continued (3)]}[14th August 1988];
[Redbook5:277-278][19880814:1130e]{Dream Nakedness}[14th August 1988];
[Redbook5:279-282][19880814:1540b]{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness)}[14th August 1988]ff;
[Redbook5:285-286][19880815:0040]{Undine (1) [continued]}[15th August 1988] para 3 &fn***;
[Redbook5:287-290][19880815:0935]{A Narrative Dream: Future Security Forces}[15th August 1988]]

#[In the traditional sense….]

#*[[Redbook4:219-224][19871213:2005]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl}[13th December 1987]]



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