Tuesday 29 January 2019

{Angels and Archangels (2)}[17th August 1988]

[Redbook5:302-303][19880817:(am)b]{Angels and Archangels (2)}[17th August 1988]


It occurs to me that one logical conclusion which may be partly confirmed by the experiences of the previous days* is that the Archangels particularly (and perhaps also the Degree of Angels generally among their general functions) may indeed be concerned with Vices.** They are not Vices, of course: if they were, they would be called Vices; but as the Vices are the most significant danger to the Soul, so they require the individual presence of an Archangel. By an association which I do not understand (but which also occurs in other contexts in the Outer World) *** the presence of the Agent or Archangel on ‘other business’ may bring back, by association, the Vice – or at least, that is my theory: we are perverse, even if not perverted.

In this theory, the attention of ordinary Angels generally is more collective;**** it may even work (more collectively) on Men in Men’s collective groups, but I am not at all sure about that, as I have certainly dreamt of them as being in collective groups when I was on my own with them.#

The particular Vice is lechery, of course: not sex, but lechery. And it is the Vice at U~, about whom I am writing.#*

By a fortunate co-incidence (this has nothing to do with Lechery), my cousin [Z] rang up yesterday and is coming to stay for a few days from tomorrow – he is the person I know who is most typical of the U~ type.#**

After he has gone#*** I shall have to get down to it and do some client computer work – the client is pressing for it now. ie Distraction?

*[Presumably, from [Redbook5:275-276][19880814:1130]{Two Dreams: Of swimming with fair-haired girls}[14th August 1988]ff]

**[See eg [Redbook4:144-145][19871020:2058b]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (20)]}[20th October 1987]]

***This is hardly Biblical!

****of the Angels

#The attention of ordinary Angels is perhaps concerned with the less significant things in life, or the less dramatic – I don’t know.

#*[in the draft booklet, presumably – see last previous entry. Not sex because sex, being an action, cannot on its own be a vice, presumably.]

#**That is to say, not anything like wholly typical, of course!

#***He has now#**** postponed his visit – girlfriend has reminded him of other commitments – The best[-]laid plans of Angels and Men Go oft astray?

#****[[Redbook5:305][19880817:2035]{Complications}[17th August 1988]]

[See [Redbook5:284][19880814:1910b]{Angels and Archangels}[14th August 1988]]


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