Thursday 31 January 2019

{Sexual Love}[17th August 1988]

[Redbook5:303-305][19880817:1703]{Sexual Love}[17th August 1988]


I am convinced that the process of, first, recognising the essentially unified spectrum of expressions and types of Love; * and, second, differentiating that spectrum down into its particular components – is essential, not just for self-understanding, but for the harmonious operation of Society as a whole. In particular, the two-fold nature of sexual love is a profound mystery which I suspect can be seen in Circle terms: first its procreative and bonding function between couples; but second, its undoubtedly corruptive [sic] effect in other circumstances.

We may see it as essentially a Circle contrast: all sexual relationships, we may surmise, begin with attraction towards Unity; any sexual relationship which begins through Ordination** and Outward [sic] Action will be an Outer Circle, Way of Separation progress through Complication, Distraction, Fragmentation etc.; any sexual relationship which begins through Love and Revelation will be an Inner Circle, Way of the Spirit progress through Creation, Diversity, Evolution etc. to Harmony and Unity.

Any relationship involving too quick and casual sexual intercourse, for example, or where one of the partners exerts his will over the other, or where one of them is too young, is likely to be Outer Circle; although I have reason to believe that generally (not just in sex) it may be possible to alter one’s relative Circle dominance during the first eighth-circle or so. Homosexual intercourse, as I have said,*** is essentially one-sided in Circle terms and thus (??) sterile, self-gratifying and unbalanced, at least in principle.****

But that, even if correct, is no reason to make it illegal.

*[See [Redbook5:279-282][19880814:1540b]{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness)}[14th August 1988]]

**ie Command and Control

***[At [Redbook5:281-282][19880814:1540e]{Sexual Intercourse (& Dream Nakedness) [continued (4)]}[14th August 1988], presumably (but see fn** there). & see eg
[Redbook4:183][19871129:2107k]{The Weight of Sin (1) [continued (8)] – Homosexuality}[29th November 1987], ff;
[Redbook4:188][19871130:0120]{The Weight of Sin (2)}[30th November 1987];
[Redbook5:161-162][19880615:1642f]{Sex}[15th June 1988];but see
[Redbook4:188-189][19871130:0920]{The Weight of Sin (2) [continued] – Sexual Intercourse and Love}[30th November 1987], &
[Redbook4:190][19871130:0920e]{The Weight of Sin (2) [continued (6)] – Homosexuality: Summary}[30th November 1987], fn]

****Hang on – why should it be more self-gratifying than heterosexual intercourse? – I suppose it depends on the practice involved.
[Judging from previous discussion in this Journal (referenced in previous fn), the writer probably had in mind anal intercourse between males, on the (quite possibly incorrect) assumption that this only gave pleasure to the enterer and not to the entered, so could not be motivated by a desire to gratify another, or at least not directly. <20181119>]

[The writer’s view at the time of editing can probably be summed up as follows: what lifts sexual intercourse of any sort and between any genders above mere self-gratification (which is not in itself wrong except insofar as it exploits others) is the combination of Love and the wish to bring joy to the other person involved. <20181127,20190131> ]

{cf VI. [] 13, &c}


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