Monday 2 April 2018

{xL and xS}[24th March 1988]

[Redbook5:110-111][19880324:1207]{xL and xS}[24th March 1988]


The Vice at U~ is Lust*; and the archetypal object of it is, I suppose, the innocent girl, in some ways typified by xS, at R~, diametrically opposite to **U~ (cf. XL near the end of [2]).*** I hope to write my next**** fiction set at least partly in […], based on my own experiences there, when I was strongly attracted to […]. I have suddenly realised that this archetypal attraction – which (as I have already mentioned)# was, I believe, based on a dim awareness of the xS archetype – is an excellent thread for the book, which corresponds to the U~ position in the series (T.IV).#* How difficult!

This first circuit may not correspond so precisely (or exclusively) to my own life, although the archtypes do seem to fit rather well; there may have been a longer circuit in operation over the same 'cards' and principles, over my whole life up to the ending of both circles at Crisis (Cyrenians?)#**. But it is a good co-incidence that the second time I was strongly attracted to [her] was [...] towards the end of my time working in [the Accountants] in London, which roughly corresponds to my approach to the U~ point in my conception of future fictions loosely based on my own experience#*** (There is a lot of overlap expected there as things I did concurrently may be dealt with in consecutive books).

*A strange vice so near to Virgo.

**[xL at]

***[subject to revision]

****[next but one (or possibly two) (the ordering was slightly re-arranged) – see fn#* below]

#cf. III [? – This has not been identified; but see [Redbook4:219-224][19871213:2005]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl}[13th December 1987], & especially [Redbook4:220-221][19871213:2005d]{Walking with the Fair-haired Girl [continued (4)]}[13th December 1987]]

#*No more. – see VI []: [2] is TII, at R~, so next is TIII, at J~. <891008> [unless [L] intervenes]

#**[c.April to September 1976]

#***[Subject to revision, but probably still rightly at U~.]



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