Thursday 12 April 2018

{Circle Perceptions [continued]}[9th May 1988]

[Redbook5:116-117][19880509:1135e]{Circle Perceptions [continued]}[9th May 1988]


Naturally I feel keenly at present the need for a balanced view of relative contributions.* I believe that the health and integrity of a culture depends upon it. But I do not think that the Arts Council** is the answer: the impetus (as in many things) must come from Individuals directly, as well as by their 'mandate' to their Governments.

It is possible to argue that intuitive and inspirational types see things the other* way round: with themselves at the top and intellectuals at the bottom. But observation does not bear this out: in the unusual event that such people offer such views, they offer them jokingly. (It is more usual for people at one end of the vertical polarity of the Circles to see those at the other end as being at the bottom.)

Artistic and Intuitive types in general are well used to being perceived as at the bottom of the pecking-order; intellectuals like to see themselves as at the top. This is perhaps characteristic of the kind of upper- and middle-class society we have had over the last couple of centuries (I speak loosely!).

It is possible that in earlier times innovative/artistic and intuitive temperaments were valued more highly, in the sense that any kind of artistic/innovative or intuitive expression was valued without the modern trappings and pre-conceptions; but I don't know. Certainly on the face of it primitive peoples often seem to give relatively more time and resources to intuitive and innovative/artistic expression than we do.

*[See last previous entry.]

**[National funding body for the arts]



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