Thursday 12 April 2018

{Circle Perceptions [continued (4)]}[9th May 1988]

[Redbook5:118][19880509:1135g]{Circle Perceptions [continued (4)]}[9th May 1988]


What is interesting is that the 'correct', balanced (i.e. Circles) view of things can only be acquired when a proper understanding of the role and place of +C†I~ is achieved. And yet the Bible is riddled with Christological references to this circle-closing location (I quote from memory):
'I am Alpha and Omega, {the first and the last}, the Beginning and the End';*
'{Many who are} first will be last, and the last, first.'**
'He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and hath exalted the humble and meek.'***

[Extracts s[hown as corrected; not all correcting shown]
*{Rev{elations] 22:14
**{M[a]t[thew] 19:30 (& L[u]k[e] 13:30, M[ar]k 10:31}
***{L[u]k[e] 1:52 (per Book of Common Prayer)}


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