Saturday 7 April 2018

{Arche-typist}[9th May 1988]

[Redbook5:114][19880509:1135]{Arche-typist}[9th May 1988]


I have spent the last six weeks or so typing [2] onto [computer] disk. This was a useful editing exercise, although many errors remain. My typing speed improved tremendously as well. I now have several perfect-bound copies on double-sided paper, in varying* type-sizes and book-sizes. Only two more manuscripts already in existence to type (one an amended typescript, actually): both, fortunately, seem to be shorter.**

I have noted before*** that a period away from this series of books**** and its pre-occupations helps to clear the mind and renew detachment; but it is good to be back. During that period I have noted (this page top left)# briefly some of the points which occurred to me. To the best of my recollection, these are as follows:#*

*(2, actually)

**[The amended typescript, [0], was scanned using OCR and revised, and published around the year 2000 or possibly later; the ms, [1], was typed onto PC in or around 2016-2017 and is currently being revised and expanded. <20180223>]


****[i.e. presumably the Journals referred to next, not the fictions just previously referred to.]

#[Reference to ticked marginal scribbles in ms, not reproduced here]

#*[See next 9 entries, numbered (1) to (6).]


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