Tuesday 1 March 2016

(SEX AND GENDER)[6th April 1987]

[Redbook3:134-138][19870406:2300](SEX AND GENDER)[6th April 1987]


I have to confess to having been rather touched (as it were) by Cynthia Paine's recollection of the 'slippery nude winged angel' (per [The] Times film review) created in her 'House of Cyn' to the special order of a clerical client – but I must deplore the literal-minded insistence of some Churchmen on external attributes.*

– Which, however, leads me to serious consideration of sex in the context of the Circles. Somewhere in a fiction years ago I had a character liken sex to fire (or was that the one which said sex without love is like bread without butter? – I can't remember) – it can warm you or burn you. I think Love is the essential ingredient, the leavening to Sex. However, as each Love is different from all the others (because of a different [combination of] Lover and Beloved), it is really up to the Individual to decide whether the Love is of a sufficient quality to justify Sex, for his/her own sake and that of the Beloved.

I suspect that this is important, in Circle terms, in that it places the relationship under the influence of +Mk (loveless Sex) or xS (loving Sex). This is another instance of the curious relationship between such apparently disparate Qualities – Death being the most notable (I have remarked** how I tend to fear death most when the Self is greatest – with +Mk in Distraction – and least (so far) when the Self is least – with xS in (or after) Simplification). The symmetry should (one would expect) be completed with the Quality of xA in terms of Death (Ordination?***) and Love (Harmony?), but this is beyond my knowledge and (in the case of Harmony) my experience.

But Sex can be and should be a bonding expression of Love, and of immense positive value in that way. Aids**** only reinforces the view that such bonding{s} should not be treated casually, or as something temporary, or they may well bring emotional and physical suffering.

*{cf. [Vols.] IV,V(!)}

**(p43) [[Redbook3:42-43][19870327:2157](THE SELF, THE SOUL, AND THE SPIRIT)[27th March 1987]]

***[Judgement, surely?]
****[in this connection]



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