Sunday 20 March 2016

(QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS{1}[continued(4)]:{Resonance[?]}])[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:149-150][19870409:1345d](QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS{1}[continued(4)]:{Resonance[?]}])[9th April 1987]


In terms of the xP area and the xA area,* the relationships may be depicted roughly as follows:**

(Element: Air)
Outer: Ordination (Tarot VII Chariot (Career?))
xA (Army Officers; Doctors, Lawyers)
(Scorpio, etc.)
Inner: Harmony (Tarot XX Judgement)
</>Distractive</> – >/<Attractive>/<
Inner: Creation (Tarot XVI Tower (Lightning?)
xP (Artists; Introverts; Anxiety) (Taurus etc,)
Outer: Fragmentation (Tarot XI Fortitude (Overcoming?)
(Element: Fire)

I abstract these aspects of the two Archetypes (leaving out colours etc.) because they seem to illustrate rather well the relationship between the two Archetypes' types; and in particular, explain why so many successful and capable men like [OH]*** are so strongly attracted towards the Arts, and in particular the visual arts, but also to Creativity and its products in general. [OH] himself, I noticed, has a string of chairmanships etc. of Arts-related institutions.**** I have seen this curious (symbiotic?) relationship between (for example) the City# and the Arts in action#*, and I know that it can work very well. I have also seen it work very badly, with near-disastrous results. I hazard a guess that the key to success and mutual benefit may once again have to do with the relative importance of the Self#**, deciding whether the relationship is predominantly of the Inner or Outer Circle.#***

*[See last previous entry.]

**[In the ms the arrows represented here as follows (i.e. below, to the left of =) are shown (running diagonally between lower left and upper right) as follows (i.e below, to the right of =) (shown here horizontally, conceptually):
</> = ←| |→
>/< = |→ ←|

***[See entry before last previous entry.]

****(but NB his birthdate turns out to be 16th May – see p148 margin[al footnote] – would I have written this differently if I had known? Perhaps the moral is to remind one that many influences decide the Type. Maybe it's not Attraction of Inner Opposites: maybe he's trying to find his way back?)

#Capitalism, of course, is probably an expression from c. M~ to c. R~-C~ -- re G~ side. <930418>

#*[In clients.]

#** xA/Scorpio is also the home of a particular kind of leader.... perhaps the rather remote one. <871008>

#***See also p156[[Redbook3:156][19870409:1345#](QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS{2}])[9th April 1987]]{; IV.120}.


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