Tuesday 8 March 2016

(LONDON)[7th April 1987]

[Redbook3:138-139][19870407:0940c](LONDON)[7th April 1987]


Institutions, as well as Individuals, can pass upon the Circles. A City may be seen as an Institution as much as a physical feature (or more*). There are cities at various points of the Circles.

We can theorise the recent history of modern London. It was often said that London grew 'organically', and remained a collection of Villages within (Towns within?) a City, hence liveable. After the Second World War enormous changes were imposed: whole communities were shifted around on the basis of material rather than psychological considerations, by deliberate central decision, and new foreign populations brought in from outside the Isles; at the same time, by planning-[sic]law, central authorities were given power to restrain and control the tendencies of 'organic' change. As there is very little sign that all of this power was exercised on the basis of reflective consideration** – as it appears rather to embody the more-or-less mechanical response to ideological rules*** – it is tempting to see in this the classic Outer Circle beginning (arising out of 'Attraction' (Second World War? [sic])) through Ordination to Outer Action. The consequences would tend to be Complication, Distraction and Fragmentation. Characteristic signs of Fragmentation are the breakdown of Order**** (opposite on the Circles), and Fire#, which is where London seems to be now.

If this is correct, the next phases will be Revolution and Simplification. The forms which these will take may depend on the ability of the Authorities to understand what is going on and the 'ride the Tiger' by steering the Revolution into a beneficial form – if that is possible. What happens afterwards depends, as always, on whether London follows the Attraction towards Ordination, and goes round again; or whether London chooses Love, and embarks upon the Inner Circle, which is the only way in which an Earthly City can reach the state of Harmony leading to Unity, in emulation of the Heavenly (or Ultimate) City.

*[i.e. or more than a physical feature, presumably.]

**See below. [=?]

***More particularly, the imposition of arbitrary change and the counter-action of it with rigid order by the same authority (government). <870815>

****{e.g. rising crime}

#i.e. rioting with arson. <890930> [Presumably referring to Brixton and Broadwater Farm
(ref. [Redbook3:78-79][19870330:0950d]{Racial Separation [continued]}[30th March 1987], 1985, but cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_riots_in_London. <20160308>]


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