Wednesday 14 March 2018

{The Phenomena and Quality of Christ [continued (7)] – God the Spirit, Father, Son?}[18th March 1988]

[Redbook5:92][19880318:1252g]{The Phenomena and Quality of Christ [continued (7)] – God the Spirit, Father, Son?}[18th March 1988]


I might hazard that God the Spirit is unlimited and unchanging; that God the Father is self-limited but unchanging;* that God the Son is limited and capable of change. (It is possible, however, that the Father, who must have changed once out of the Spirit, can change again.** I don't know.)

*No? Self-defined? and changing? <880320.0045>
{All wrong. See [[[Redbook5:101-103][19880320:1220#]{The Trinity on the Circles}[20th March 1988],] p.102ff.}

**{at the End?}


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