Wednesday 14 March 2018

{Dream of Inner xS}[18th March 1988]

[Redbook5:93-94][19880318:1955b]{Dream of Inner xS}[18th March 1988]


*But I do, most firmly, believe that the presence or perception of angelic Spirits is not necessarily incompatible with progress around the Circles towards Christ.

I rarely mention dreams** which seem to have Circle or similar significance nowadays: they are too frequent. But this morning I dreamt of a[n] xS-like figure, who was obviously intended to be xS because she was accompanied by an amended fragment of the of the [2] extracts on xS which I have recently given limited circulation.*** The amendments related to to the presence of a mother-figure on stage with her:**** there seemed to be some confusion about this; I take it to refer to the Crisis scene depicted in T.VI, the Lover, with older and younger women (from the male's point of view) pulling opposite ways; so I take it as a psychological warning.

But the xS-figure was beautiful: a (naked? or near-naked) beauty which was an expression of the whole of her being, not of any particular aspect such as sex. It was a glowing beauty: it transformed her to a longer, slimmer, leggier xS than the xS of my dream in Scotland,# but clearly xS: lighter in all senses of the word; more spiritual or refined, I guess. An Inner Circle xS, in fact: Love.

In the circumstances, I do not take xS for a demon: 'You shall know them by their fruits.'#* But I do not take her for Christ, either, or for a Coming World Teacher, or for a World Leader. She is xS, for the Love of God.#**

*[See last previous entry.]

**{My forgiveness of my parents was partly the result of a dream of my mother old, and in tears, on my account.}
{ref [[Redbook5:81-83][19880317:2010]{Forgiveness and Repentance}[17th March 1988] &f,] 82}
Idiot! <891007>

***[e.g. [Redbook5:23A][19880301:0000][Extract from Letter to [XQ] (2)][1st March 1988];
& cf. [Redbook4:287][19880104:1622e]{Marital Crisis}[4th January 1988],
esp [Redbook4:290-293][19880105:1222]{Student Teacher}[5th January 1988].]

****{Hmm.... cf. [2]?}

#ref III. [[Redbook3:103-104][19870404:1005l](INNOCENCE{:[xS]})[4th April 1987] ] {103},
[[Redbook3:143-146][19870408:1218d](DREAMS OF xP & xS [continued](:Dream of xS (etc.)))[8th April 1987]] {144}

#*[ref [Redbook5:68-69][19880316:1300c]{False Christs; True Christ [continued]}[16th March 1988];
[Redbook5:85][19880317:2250d]{Lucifer (2) [continued (4)]}[17th March 1988]]

#**And perhaps derived from O[ld] T[estament] # Gnostic Sophia, Wisdom, by tradition God's First Love, later identified (wrongly I think)#*** with the Holy Spirit, which is obviously strong in her – as the Father is in xA?

#***{(But see [[[Redbook5:101-103][19880320:1220#]{The Trinity on the Circles}[20th March 1988],] p101)


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