Sunday 25 March 2018

{Signs of God}[20th March 1988]

[Redbook5:103-104][19880320:1650]{Signs of God}[20th March 1988]


It is perfectly obvious that many Individuals who think they speak to, and are aware of, and are communicated with by God, have radically different understandings of, and conversations with, God. It is axiomatic to me that no one [sic] can come to a perfect understanding of God short of union with God the Spirit – after the Third Death.*

Built into our Human diversity is a flaw in our perception of God. The flaw is in our perception, not in God. It follows that no one should be presumed not to be aware of God simply because his perception of God is different from someone else's. And it follows from that, that no one should assume that the instructions he thinks he has from God, really are from God and not from himself – or distorted by himself.

So how can you tell? One way is to measure the Self's participation in the process. Anything which is likely to boost the ego may be suspect.

Secondly, anything separative may be suspect: I should be suspicious of a Man who claimed that God had told him to torture and murder people.** In fact, I would disbelieve him.

Thirdly (not in order of importance) Christ says: 'No Man comes to the Father but by me.' – so measure the words claimed to be God's against the Archetype given to us by Jesus Christ.

Fourthly, 'God is a Spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in Spirit.' The greater the material involvement, generally, the less the spiritual.

Fifthly, God is good: anything evil is not of God. Yes, I know it is part of God's Creation, and in that sense [is] of God: but his purpose does not require people to do it, ever.

Sixthly, God is Holy, and anything unholy is not of God, in the same way as for evil.

*[See last previous entry but one, fn ult.]

**or to ask for their money.


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