Monday 5 March 2018

{Lucifer (2) [continued (4)]}[17th March 1988]

[Redbook5:85][19880317:2250d]{Lucifer (2) [continued (4)]}[17th March 1988]


'You shall know them by their fruits.'* This is still, I think, the greatest test of false prophets, even false Christs: how often is it emphasised that wonder-working (even, presumably, inner wonder-working) is not the sign of Truth. And the +C†I~ point is Truth: 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No Man cometh to the Father but by me.'**

*Matthew 7:20 ['Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.' ((A)KJV)]
[ref [Redbook5:68-69][19880316:1300c]{False Christs; True Christ [continued]}[16th March 1988], & fns]

**[ref [Redbook5:77][19880316:1300p]{God's Man [continued]}[16th March 1988], & fns]



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