Monday 12 March 2018

{The Phenomena and Quality of Christ [continued (5)] – God the Father}[18th March 1988]

[Redbook5:91][19880318:1252e]{The Phenomena and Quality of Christ [continued (5)] – God the Father}[18th March 1988]


As Christ is the incarnation of God the Spirit as a specifically Human Form [sic] – so God the Father is the expression of God the Spirit as Creator, Ruler, Father. In practical terms, this expression is of immense help in enabling the Individual who has found God through Christ to focus on God in conversation – with him, I mean: i.e. prayer (it is noticeable how when Jesus teaches his disciples to pray, he is fairly formal: 'Our Father, who is in Heaven...'* – but when he prays himself, he is much less so: 'Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass me by....'**).

But there is another aspect to it. Years ago I used to consider the consequences of omnipotence, sometimes in the form of the old story of the Man who is given one (or three) wishes, and in this case wishes, in effect, that everything he wishes should come true, that any wish he unwishes should become untrue, and – I can't remember what the last one was, but it might have enabled suspension of the power for a time. But my conclusion was that madness could be the only result, for a Human, of such power: madness, and suicide.

*[Matthew 6:9(-13) (& also Luke 11:2(-4); & e,g, Anglican Book of Common Prayer).]

**[‘And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.’ (Matthew 26:39: (KJB))]



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