Friday 2 March 2018

{Lucifer (2)}[17th March 1988]

[Redbook5:83-84][19880317:2250]{Lucifer (2)}[17th March 1988]


The New Age choice of Lucifer is* unfortunate, and significant. These cults say, correctly, that Lucifer is associated with Venus – but this is via the translation Daystar, or Morning Star, which could I suppose be Mercury (less commonly); or even another planet?

'How art thou fallen from Heaven, Daystar/Lucifer, son of the Morning.'**

But whether these New Age cults approach Lucifer as A~, the lowest point, or S~, Pride, or even R~, for Venus? – their search is characterised by the lust for power, so far as I can see, by exercise of the will, not submission to God, and is firmly therefore (I would suggest) Outer Circle. Indeed, the three possible Lucifer points are the degrees of the three Deaths.***

*ref [[Redbook5:61-62][19880314:1600]{Lucifer (1)}[14th March 1988],] 61

(cp. Ez[ekiel].28:11-19)
[For full texts see [Redbook5:61-62][19880314:1600]{Lucifer (1)}[14th March 1988], fns]

***[See e.g. [Redbook4:105][19871005:2320f]{[The Mind [continued (3)]] – The Three Deaths}[5th October 1987]ff.]



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