Saturday 31 March 2018

{Film Music}[23rd March 1988]

[Redbook5:110][19880323:2230]{Film Music}[23rd March 1988]


I notice* that the new Imac**(?) big screen, and its successor Magna …(?) film-on-a-dome*** (stretched from Imac(?) which was developed to avoid the stretching by CinemaScope(?), as far as I could see) both use film music in just the same way as other film spectaculars do, to open the insides of people's minds.... I speculate that in film spectaculars[,] music does about 2/3rds of the actual work on the audience.

*(per BBC1 [TV] 'QED' tonight)


***[Imax Dome / Omnimax, presumably]


{The Dark Nights}[20th March 1988]

[Redbook5:109][19880320:2300]{The Dark Nights}[20th March 1988]


I think that in an earlier Journal volume* I identified the Outer Circle, lower hemisphere, with the Dark Night of the Soul, of St. John of the Cross – in fact, checking back, with aridity described in a Times review of a book on the D[ark] N[ight] o[f] t[he] S[oul]:** I was being more cautious*** than I remembered. But a quick glance at the contents page of my copy (which was in store when I wrote the Vol III entry* in Scotland) suggests strongly that the Outer Circle corresponds**** to the Dark Night of the Senses, since St. John uses the same order of Vices# as I have placed from Ordination to Simplification.

The Dark Night of the Spirit, of course, follows the Dark Night of the Senses; or accompanies it, according to the translator's introduction#* to 'The Cloud of Unknowing'#**


Having begun to read it – I see that the order of vices is not necessarily the order of their occurrence.

*ref. III, [[Redbook3:37-38][19870326:1543r]{Corruption and Aridity: The Dark Night of the Soul}[26th March 1987],] 37-38

**[Trouble is, I can't get out of my head The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul (Douglas Adams, 1988).... <20180213>]

***[in the entry referred to than ‘remembered’ in the opening words of this journal entry, presumably.]

****or can correspond

#ref IV. [(e.g.) [Redbook4:144-145][19871020:2058b]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (20)]}[20th October 1987] (presumably)]

#*by Clifton Woltes (Penguin Classics 1961,1978)

#**[The Cloud of Unknowing (Middle English: The Cloude of Unknowyng) is an anonymous work of Christian mysticism written in Middle English in the latter half of the 14th century. The text is a spiritual guide on contemplative prayer in the late Middle Ages. The underlying message of this work suggests that the way to know God is to abandon consideration of God's particular activities and attributes, and be courageous enough to surrender one's mind and ego to the realm of "unknowing", at which point one may begin to glimpse the nature of God. (Wikipedia)]

#***{cf. VI.[] 267,269.}


Thursday 29 March 2018

{The Experience of the Trinity}[20th March 1988]

[Redbook5:108-109][19880320:1650f]{The Experience of the Trinity}[20th March 1988]


It occurs to me that whereas I can more-or-less describe God the Son, as Christ, and identify him according to that description; and that although I cannot really describe God the Father in words, I can to an extent remember him in my mind as I was last aware of him,* i.e. as a Being distinct from myself who has certain identifiable (if more-or-less indescribable) qualities; nevertheless I cannot describe the Spirit at all, except in terms of what it does to me: its presence is immediate, and I cannot perceive it separated from myself, even with the inner sense, even though I know that I am not identical with it.**

I cannot conceive of the Spirit (except as a matter of dry logical analysis) as it is when I am not directly aware of it; whereas I can conceive of the Father as he is when I am not directly aware of him.*** (In the case of the Son, my conception of him makes me directly aware of him – which is rather different.)

This characteristic of the Spirit makes some sense if the Spirit is in each of us as the Spirit of God, as well as being God the Spirit. It would not be possible to conceive of it (for example, imaginatively) as separated from us, because it is not separated from us. The fact that it comes (i.e. reveals itself to us) when it wills, not when we will,**** does not contradict this.#

*or his touch – see VI []. <891008>

**(& that it is independent of me)

***-- his touch. <891008>

****[In [Redbook5:105][19880320:1650b]{The Coming of the Trinity}[20th March 1988], this characteristic is ascribed to the Father. However, the description there of the Spirit strongly implies that this characteristic is attributable to the Spirit also. <20180329>]

#{(But see [[Redbook5:202-205][19880702:0914]{God at the Centre}[2nd July 1988],] 202ff)}


{The Trinity in History}[20th March 1988]

[Redbook5:107][19880320:1650e]{The Trinity in History}[20th March 1988]


*The identification of God the Son with the Jesus Christ of the New Testament; and of God the Father with the God of the Jews of the Old Testament – leads one to speculate that the perception of God the Spirit arises from earlier periods of Human awareness. Having said that, the Old Testament does not necessarily support this view with early references to the Spirit – although there may be some.**

I mention this because it ties in to an extent with the progression suggested earlier,*** since Hinduism appears to be aware of a single originating Spirit or force, which it then differentiates according to observations and speculations on the nature of the World and Humanity.****

*ref [[Redbook5:77][19880316:1300p]{God's Man [continued]}[16th March 1988]] p77 [and see recent journal entries before the last previous journal entry.]

**['In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.' (A/KJV) Genesis 1:1-2 – only the first two verses of the entire Jewish and Christian Bibles!]

***ref [[Redbook5:99-100][19880320:1220b]{Hinduism, Yantra}[20th March 1988]] p100

****On the other hand, at least one of the early heresies postulated 3 ages – of the Father, of the Son, and of the Spirit. It could be a cycle, of course, starting with the Spirit as well.... <891008>
[Joachim of Fiore (c. 1135 – 1202), Italian theologian and eschatologist.]


Tuesday 27 March 2018

{A Dream Solution: of collapsing buildings}[20th March 1988]

[Redbook5:106-107][19880320:1650d]{A Dream Solution: of collapsing buildings}[20th March 1988]


In a curious dream fragment of a rather disturbed night some days ago, but during this last week,* my recurrent dreams of the collapse of imaginary extensions to our house – one due South, one South-east** – were suddenly explained in terms of their Circle positions. On waking, I didn't and don't know how; but I haven't had the dreams since.

Another dream fragment*** involved a centre post of a house and the jointed crossed beams it supported: but this seemed to be confused in some way with images of the unfortunate (and obviously well-liked) young prostitute who was recently murdered in Cardiff,**** and the area where she worked and died, which it so happened we visited ourselves late last Summer.

*[See last previous entry.]

**But I have since then discovered that there actually was a ruinous outbuilding to the south east of the house (not connected), which was pulled down. <880806>

***probably on the same night

****A reconstruction of the circumstances had been shown on television that evening.
['Lynette Deborah White (5 July 1967 – 14 February 1988) was murdered on 14 February 1988 in Cardiff, Wales. South Wales Police issued a photofit image of a bloodstained, white male seen in the vicinity at the time of the murder but were unable to trace the man. In November 1988, the police charged five black and mixed-race men with White's murder, although none of the scientific evidence discovered at the crime scene could be linked to them. In November 1990, following what was then the longest murder trial in British history, three of the men were found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment.
In December 1992, the convictions were ruled unsafe and quashed by the Court of Appeal after it was decided that the police investigating the murder had acted improperly. The wrongful conviction of the three men has been called one of the most egregious miscarriages of justice in recent times. The police insisted that the men had been released purely on a legal technicality, that they would be seeking no other suspects, and resisted calls for the case to be reopened. In January 2002, new DNA technology enabled forensic scientists to obtain a reliable crime scene DNA profile. The extracted profile led police to the real killer, Jeffrey Gafoor, who confessed to White's murder and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Controversially, Gafoor received a shorter minimum tariff (the length of time before a prisoner may be considered for parole) than had been given to the wrongfully convicted men.
In 2004, the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) began a review of the conduct of the police during the original inquiry. Over the next 12 months around 30 people were arrested in connection with the investigation, 19 of whom were serving or retired police officers. In 2007, three of the prosecution witnesses who gave evidence at the original murder trial were convicted of perjury and sentenced to 18 months imprisonment. In 2011, eight former police officers were charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice. Their subsequent trial was the largest police corruption trial in British criminal history. A further four police officers were due to be tried on the same charges in 2012. In November 2011, the trial collapsed when the defence claimed that copies of files which they said they should have seen had instead been destroyed. As a result, the judge ruled that the defendants could not receive a fair trial and they were acquitted. In January 2012, the missing documents were found, still in the original box in which they had been sent to South Wales Police by the IPCC.' (– Wikipedia; introduction and summary of article 'Murder of Lynette White'.)]


{The Coming of the Trinity [continued]}[20th March 1988]

[Redbook5:105-106][19880320:1650c]{The Coming of the Trinity [continued]}[20th March 1988]


If you distinguish pp78, 80, 92 and 102 with this (above)** what might be happening is that my perspective is moving 'up' spiritually, so that earlier perceptions (not quite the same as experiences) which were fused are being distinguished – as it were.

I should perhaps record that this process 'started' in an immediate sense last Sunday,*** when I got up rather cross about some domestic delay, paced around downstairs, got un-cross (before saying anything I think) and instituted a time-framework for domestic details which involves me taking a fairer (but still not half-)share of the domestic chores – but I have mysteriously found more time, not less, for my own pursuits as a result!

Through delays we missed Church, and in fact were brewing vicious colds, which we have all been getting over all week[,] in my case with paracetamol (two a day until the night before yesterday, none since) and occasional cough-sweets (one last night). The colds were prefaced by headaches the week before last, on Sunday night,*** and again slightly in the last twenty-four hours.

I have missed Church again today: [W] had a bad headache this morning. Her nights have been disturbed, more than mine, by sick children.

*[[Redbook5:78][19880316:1300r]{God's Man [continued (4)]}[16th March 1988];
[Redbook5:80][19880316:2255Con-science}[16th March 1988];
[Redbook5:92][19880318:1252g]{The Phenomena and Quality of Christ [continued (5)] – God the Spirit, Father, Son?}[18th March 1988];
[Redbook5:102-103][19880320:1220d]{The Trinity on the Circles [continued]}[20th March 1988]]

**[See last previous entry.]

***ref [[Redbook5:51-61][19880314:1115]{Fundamental Points of View}[14th March 1988]] p51ff
[– showing that 14031988 was a Monday, so this day 20022018 must be Sunday again.]


Monday 26 March 2018

{The Coming of the Trinity}[20th March 1988]

[Redbook5:105][19880320:1650b]{The Coming of the Trinity}[20th March 1988]


There are probably other* anti-signs or negative indications. But one thing well worth bearing in mind is that (in my experience, and to adapt the wonderfully appropriate words of C.S. Lewis), God is 'not a tame lion'.**

Jesus Christ was given to us in such a form in History that we may call him to mind as the Archetype upon which we wish to model ourselves, the Son, at any time, and by meditating upon Jesus Christ we ourselves may hope to become like him (I do not say, identical to him).

But God the Father-Spirit is not like that.

God the Son, Christ, comes to you whenever you want: is always there when you need him, often when you did not think you had asked.

God the Father comes, if at all, in answer to Prayer for him, but only when he wills, not when you will.

And God the Spirit comes upon you unawares, when you are not expecting it, or not necessarily, and turns you upside down. That, at any rate, thinking back, now, and forward [sic], is my experience of what (and how) I distinguish.

*[See last previous entry.]

**[“He'll be coming and going. One day you'll see him and another you won't. He doesn't like being tied down – and of course he has other countries to attend to. It's quite all right. He'll often drop in. Only you mustn't press him. He's wild, you know. Not like a tame lion.” – Mr. Beaver, speaking of Aslan, in 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' by C.S Lewis.]



Sunday 25 March 2018

{Signs of God}[20th March 1988]

[Redbook5:103-104][19880320:1650]{Signs of God}[20th March 1988]


It is perfectly obvious that many Individuals who think they speak to, and are aware of, and are communicated with by God, have radically different understandings of, and conversations with, God. It is axiomatic to me that no one [sic] can come to a perfect understanding of God short of union with God the Spirit – after the Third Death.*

Built into our Human diversity is a flaw in our perception of God. The flaw is in our perception, not in God. It follows that no one should be presumed not to be aware of God simply because his perception of God is different from someone else's. And it follows from that, that no one should assume that the instructions he thinks he has from God, really are from God and not from himself – or distorted by himself.

So how can you tell? One way is to measure the Self's participation in the process. Anything which is likely to boost the ego may be suspect.

Secondly, anything separative may be suspect: I should be suspicious of a Man who claimed that God had told him to torture and murder people.** In fact, I would disbelieve him.

Thirdly (not in order of importance) Christ says: 'No Man comes to the Father but by me.' – so measure the words claimed to be God's against the Archetype given to us by Jesus Christ.

Fourthly, 'God is a Spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in Spirit.' The greater the material involvement, generally, the less the spiritual.

Fifthly, God is good: anything evil is not of God. Yes, I know it is part of God's Creation, and in that sense [is] of God: but his purpose does not require people to do it, ever.

Sixthly, God is Holy, and anything unholy is not of God, in the same way as for evil.

*[See last previous entry but one, fn ult.]

**or to ask for their money.


Saturday 24 March 2018

{The Trinity on the Circles [continued (3)]}[20th March 1988]

[Redbook5:103][19880320:1625]{The Trinity on the Circles [continued (3)]}[20th March 1988]


In terms of the problem of change – I *hazard that God the Spirit represents the unchanging aspect of God; that God the Father represents the changing aspect of God** (he must be capable of change, since he has changed); and that God the Son represents the change itself, [sic] as 'Master' of the Agencies symbolised on the Circles.

*[now; cf. [Redbook5:92][19880318:1252g]{The Phenomena and Quality of Christ [continued (5)] – God the Spirit, Father, Son?}[18th March 1988]]
(“Hazard” is technically a transitive verb, but deserves better.)

**(Contrary to [[Redbook5:92][19880318:1252g]{The Phenomena and Quality of Christ [continued (5)] – God the Spirit, Father, Son?}[18th March 1988]],] p92)


Thursday 22 March 2018

{The Trinity on the Circles [continued]}[20th March 1988]

[Redbook5:102-103][19880320:1220d]{The Trinity on the Circles [continued]}[20th March 1988]


This* has further implications for an understanding of the Trinity:** that, perhaps, the Spirit is unformed; why did Jesus Christ wait until after he had taught his disciples, before sending it to/awakening it in them? – If the Spirit had been a short cut to Christianity, it could have been sent first.*** There is a possible implication in this that the Spirit is relatively unformed**** and even perhaps capable of approach from different perspectives, although with what results is unclear: Hinduism perhaps perhaps provides the answer and reveals the dangers.

The Father then may be seen as forming (or formed) on a Spiritual plane when the Spiritual Kingdom arises: that aspect of God which is not in the spirits created at this point. And the Son may even be seen as forming or formed when the Physical Realm arises: that aspect of God which is not in the Physical Universe created at this point.

#So God the Spirit creates the Spiritual Kingdom, and God the Father creates the Physical Universe; and God the Son re-creates (the Souls of) Men? This owes something to Kabbalistic ideas, I think; but the three aspects of God are still one.

It is tempting to see the First Death (of the Body) presenting the Individual to the Son;#* the Second Death (of the Self) brought about by and through the Son and [sic] presenting the Individual to the Father; and the Third Death of the Spirit (or Soul) brought about by and through the Father and presenting the Individual to and into God the Spirit.#**

*[See last previous entry.]

**ref [[Redbook5:92][19880318:1252g]{The Phenomena and Quality of Christ [continued (5)] – God the Spirit, Father, Son?}[18th March 1988]] p92

***[saving a great deal of time and trouble!]

****See later. {891007}

#I think not. {891007}

#*(so far as this presentation has not already occurred in life)

#**[cf. [Redbook3:172-173][19870411:2200e](RECALL)[11th April 1987];
[Redbook4:110][19871006:1020f]{Death on the Line}[6th October 1987];
[Redbook4:111-113][19871006:1020h]{Ghosts}[6th October 1987]ff; & '[2]'.]



{The Trinity on the Circles}[20th March 1988]

[Redbook5:101-103][19880320:1220c]{The Trinity on the Circles}[20th March 1988]


The Tantric* view (or a Tantric view?) of a female originating form (I hope I have understood this right) is interesting in the light of one more-or-less intuitive view of the Circles' relationship with the Trinity:

[Text and some lines of diagram of which an extract is shown above:]














The intuitive perception is that the Holy Spirit is more 'female' and influences particularly R~ near the start of the Inner Circle** (cf. Sophia, Wisdom, who seems to develop from being a pre-Creation 'Consort' of God the Father to being a component of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit);** and the Father is more 'male' and influences particularly S~ near the start of the Outer Circle and end of the Inner; just as the Son is perhaps more perfectly balanced and influences and is +C†I~ at the beginning and end of all Circles.

*[See last previous entry.]

**and end of the Outer Circle

***[cf, [Redbook5:93-94][19880318:1955b]{Dream of Inner xS}[18th March 1988], inc. penult fn.]

