Saturday 14 January 2017

{Women and men (I)}[20th October 1987]

[Redbook4:147-148][19871020:2058f]{Women and men (I)}[20th October 1987]


I do not know if I have commented before on how one would expect the Soul moving on the Outer Circle to seek solace in women, but on the Inner Circle (or if at a stage of arrested early development on the Outer Circle)* to seek guidance in men. (It is possible to do both, of course.) The trouble with this is that, as a description of Outer Circle sexuality, it fits men, and has a male viewpoint: what about women?

Obviously my experience** is less helpful;*** but I guess that women moving on the Outer Circle also seek solace in women,**** but look for a man to guide them and to accept their self-sacrifice as an Inner Circle movement. Naturally, being (as we all are) relatively ignorant of what is actually going on, most women choose the wrong man; but that does not alter the fact that woman's tendency to self-sacrifice, of which I have personal knowledge, brings out the finest in her, is capable of transforming her, and is an Inner Circle characteristic which sets her streets ahead of the average man in terms of Circles Analysis.#

*[! -- but cf. *** below.]

**[i.e. as a man, presumably.]

***Hmm.... <930506>

****(unless at a stage of arrested early development on the Outer Circle, when they seek solace in men?)

#(I think I have tried to deal with this problem before.)
{[&] cf.[[Redbook4:158-159][19871119:2312]{Women and men (II)}[19th November 1987],]158}

[All initial capitals for woman, women, men and man have been removed here because in all other contexts in this journal the initial capitalisation in Man and Men refers to the species, not the gender. (Contrast [Redbook4:158-159][19871119:2312k]{Women and men (II)}[19th November 1987], where this convention has been followed in the ms.]



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