Saturday 7 January 2017

{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (18): Seraphim again]}[19th October 1987]

[Redbook4:140-141][19871019:2045b]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (18): Seraphim again]}[19th October 1987]

Seraphim, then,* could** be associated with the Quality of Absolute Reality: they might indeed be pure Soul (and be the pure Soul-Names?)***, the first (and last) stage in mediating(?) the Transcendent into the Immanent (of which Cherubim are the second or penultimate stage). | Of course, Seraphim as Serpents might also be considered as Wheels except that they do not wheel: there's is the quality of Being (everything else partaking of the quality of Becoming, which is another reason for the link between xA (Sariel) (like xS (Raguel)) and +Mk (Azrael)).****

*[See last previous entry.]

**{(&/but cf. [[Redbook4:198-199][19871206:1235#]{The Qualities of Christ Raphael]}[6th December 1987],]199)}

***(or the Names at Michael/Uriel?)

****{ref. [[Redbook4:119][19871006:1020p]{Death Lines [continued]}[6th October 1987],]119}



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