Sunday 1 January 2017

{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (12): Note on Scholarship]}[19th October 1987]

[Redbook4:137-138][19871019:0925i]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (12): Note on Scholarship]}[19th October 1987]


I must say that the Encylopaedia Biblica, which was published in 1914 (and one of whose two Editors was formerly (an?) Assistant Editor of the Encylopaedia Britannica), typifies all that is best and highest in academic scholarship: possibly in its accuracy (which I am not in a position to assess), but certainly in its manner and approach. The other editor is a Rev.*, and the whole work quite clearly arises from a profound respect and love for the Bible: but contrast this footnote (p741): '1The differences between the ζῷα of Revelation and those of Ezekiel, both as to their appearance and as to their functions, are obvious. But without the latter how could the former have been imagined? **The traditional Christian view that the apocalyptic ζῷα symbolize the four Gospels can hardly be seriously defended.'** – Contrast this with the approach of Tony Tanner to Jane Austen, as brilliantly disposed of by Norman Frumann in the latest T[imes] L[iterary] S[upplement]*** (I have Tanner's [edition of Jane Austen's ']Sense and Sensibility['], but cannot recall his introduction at all).

I think part of the contrast may be between attempts to reach or approach the objective truth, plain and simple, so far as possible, for its own sake; and attempts to confirm received truths (such as Marxism, or Freud****), which were themselves quite possibly genuine attempts to approach the objective truth (but, like all our attempts, doomed to varying degrees of imperfection) – these attempts at confirmation inevitably distorting, rather than clarifying, our perception of the truth in the subject under investigation, in accordance with their purpose, which is not directed to the subject.#

*[i.e. in holy Orders, a priest.]

**[The sentence between these repeated asterisks is highlighted marginally.]

***[I have not yet been able to trace this issue or the article referred to.]

****or, of course, theological doctrine <930505>

#And is not the latter approach a manifestation of Pride? – in place of the Humility required for good scholarship. <871123>



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