Friday 27 January 2017

{Star Cycles (I) [continued (4)] – Colours and Circle Polarity}[19th November 1987]

[Redbook4:157][19871119:2312h]{Star Cycles (I) [continued (4)] – Colours and Circle Polarity}[19th November 1987]

Colours themselves*, of course, can be variously classified:












(Long wave)
(Short wave)


Again,** I should have preferred the spectrum to run from short wave at S~ through A~ to long wave at R~,*** but it doesn't; and this is really why green has to be at I~,**** despite the attractions (?) of A~ (e.g. Pan?). But as it stands, any movement up from A~ towards I~ is a movement out of the extremities# towards the centre, and any movement away from I~ correspondingly towards the extremities.

*[ref. [Redbook4:155][19871119:2312e]{Star Cycles (I)}[19th November 1987]ff]

**[Probably referring to the first parenthesis in the last previous entry.]

***(I wanted the wavelengths to get longer and longer (e.g. Doppler Shift) as the Universe declined....)

****Not so sure. See later ([(presumably) [Redbook4:166][19871121:2225]{The Circle of the Seasons}[21st November 1987],] p166?) <871121>

#(I broke off here to go and look at [2] ref. the point marked ** [in the next blog entry] below.)



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