Wednesday 4 January 2017

{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (16)]}[19th October 1987]

[Redbook4:139-140][19871019:1640d]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (16)]}[19th October 1987]


The question arises:* if there are four 'ranks' or degrees so far without qualities attributed to them, what are their qualities? I suppose one set of 'qualities' could be the Angelic degrees themselves, in that these represent a quality of refinement in varying degrees or kinds; but this might be too inward-turning (and why not?).

I do not know to which Arch-Angelic Name and Angelic Degree the Angelic Degrees would be attributed. It might be Uriel, who is (inter alia) Leader of the Heavenly Hosts. Then again Michael is Captain of the Heavenly Hosts, generally accepted to be superior to Uriel (and of course xL's Master**). Then again again [sic], the Arch-Angelic names themselves would require attribution to an Archangelic Name and an Archangelic Degree.

Without doubt the Master of them all is ChrisTopher Raphael,*** so perhaps the Archangelic Names**** belong to him and the Seraphs – their highest plane or level of existence.# (Michael would have seemed a reasonable alternative.)

I think what this is really about is dealing in Qualities which may be too refined for immediate perception,#* but which may emerge once identified. One would expect successive levels of refinement (even though this inward process is only patchily apparent on #**pp100-101 above).

Names (or Souls) could be the purest or finest degree of Angelic Spirit:#*** they tell you nothing about the qualities attached. The Degrees themselves could be the next away: telling you next-to-nothing. Neither of the words Seraphim and Cherubim seem actually to mean very much. But I should perhaps give this a rest for a while.

*[See [Redbook4:133][19871019:0925]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (4)]}[19th October 1987]
(re [Redbook4:100-101][19871005:0940e]{Vices, Virtues, Principles[, Qualities] and Gifts}[5th October 1987]).]

**[Per [2], presumably, since at this time xL had not appeared anywhere else. xL is the Archetype to (or from) the Archangel U~.]

***cf. [[Redbook4:134][19871019:0925b]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (5)]}[19th October 1987],]p134.

****Are Names Souls?

#& Degrees to Cherubim?!

#*or description

#**[Redbook4:100-101][19871005:0940e]{Vices, Virtues, Principles[, Qualities] and Gifts}[5th October 1987]

#***(other than the Spirit of God itself: at the Centre? – the Tenth Degree)



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