Friday 6 January 2017

{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (17): Cherubim again]}[19th October 1987]

[Redbook4:140][19871019:2045]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (17): Cherubim again]}[19th October 1987]


– But not for long!* I suspect that the Cherubim may be associated with the Quality of Dynamic Independence which brings the Quality of Absolute Truth (or Reality) into our minds. (This is consistent, I think, with the Angelic Degrees; or at least not inconsistent (!)). It fits T[arot] VIII The Chariot, and the Career, and the fact that this is the first point along the Outer Circle and the last point along the Inner Circle. (There is a Latin word, Carrus, a four-wheeled wagon or car, which may link Chariot (French[:] char) and Career; the roots of Cherubim are, I believe, unknown: perhaps Charles' Wain (for the Plough or Bear**) is a corruption of something similar?) ***Another name for Cherubim might be Wheels (cf. Ezekiel) (or, in the context of the Circles, [–] Motions or Movements, perhaps). These Wheels (the Angelic Degrees?)**** would be what keep the whole thing turning.

*[See last previous entry.]

**[(or Big Dipper) constellation]


****(or the Degrees at Michael/Uriel?)



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