Saturday 14 January 2017

{Women and men (I) [continued]}[20th October 1987]

[Redbook4:147-148][19871020:2058g]{Women and men (I) [continued]}[20th October 1987]


*All the same, although the Gabriel hemisphere is predominantly 'female' and the Michael hemisphere predominantly 'male', it would be quite wrong to make assumptions about the nature of these classifications or of this polarity: males will be found with Gabriel and females with Michael. Both the Zodiac and the Sistine Chapel ceiling make this clear. It must not be forgotten, or terrible errors may be the result.**

*[See last previous entry.]

**cf.p[[Redbook4:158-159][19871119:2312]{Women and Men (II)}[19th November 1987],]158-9,
[[Redbook4:188-189][19871130:0920]{Sexual Intercourse and Love}[30th November 1987],]188,
[[Redbook4:295-298][19880109:0947]{Birthdates [including {– Great Diana}]}[19th November 1987],]295-298.


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