Tuesday 17 January 2017

{Superstrings and Fundamental Forces}[21st October 1987]

[Redbook4:149-152][19871021:1425]{Superstrings and Fundamental Forces}[21st October 1987]


The Encyclopaedia Britannica Science Year Book 'Science and the Future' has just arrived; and I have just read the article on Superstrings. I have attempted to read articles on this subject in New Scientist in the past, without much comprehension.

It is intriguing that, in quantum theory [sic], the 12 fermions (matter particles) have an intrinsic angular momentum (or spin) of magnitude ½; but that the 4 force (or field) particles have spin 1*: these are called bosons, having integer spin.

But it is fascinating – even though I find the concept of a one-dimensional string difficult** – to learn that superstring theory now proposes that particles are fundamentally closed loops*** vibrating with various energies (giving mass) and angular momentum (giving spin); that they can touch and part (collide), ****merge to create one where there were two, or divide to create two where there was one; that (the heterotic string version) creation contains 10# dimensions of which 6 have become hidden (or ‘curled up’) – when moving clockwise#* in a closed loop or string (i.e. fermions (MATTER) (E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 16.847); but that in the same closed loop or string, when moving anti-clockwise#** there are 26#*** dimensions (i.e. bosons (FORCES) (E[ncylopaedia] B[ritannica] 16.847); and that when the 16 extra dimensions are mathematically curled up to give 10 for the whole string, the mathematical group structure (whatever that means) that emerges is described as E8 x E8 .#****

(I was interrupted by repeated domestic nagging – not [W], who never does, but poor [d], who is seeking attention after [s]’s birth. Normally I can cope with this: it only really winds me up, to her detriment, if I am engaged on something slightly too difficult for me to comprehend – like this.)

*except the graviton, conjectured as having spin 2.

**(I got my dimensions wrong) <871123>

***(i.e. [as are] Circles [sic])

****(i.e. mingling and merging) cf. [[Redbook4:78-81][19871002:2245c]{Spiritual Fusion}[2nd October 1987],] p.78-79

#i.e. Qualities (cf. [[Redbook4:142-143][19871020:2058]{Angelic Hierarchies [continued (19)]}[20th October 1987],] p.142-3)

#*(i.e. Outer Circle)

#**(i.e. Inner Circle)

#***(cf.: 8 Outer Circle stations, then 8 Inner Circle stations, (cancelling each other out) + 10 categories of Qualities?)

#****& apparently implies a separate ‘shadow’ Universe sharing only Gravity but with matter and forces of its own. (cf. The Spiritual Realm? Linked through +C at Attraction/Unity (cf. II.[[Redbook2:159A(-W)][19791021:2000]{Fundamental Forces}[21st October 1979]]159A[ff],
II.[##]246A [##referring to a set of sheets of speculative rough notes and diagrams inserted in the manuscript volume but not (yet) included in the typescript or posted, headed as follows:
246A&B: {Forces & Particles} [but see re 246A, final ref in fn*** to next entry];
246C,D&E: {Fundamental Forces};
246F: {Fundamental Particles};
246G: {Fundamental Spin}, [[Redbook2:246G][c19820818]{Fundamental Spin}[c.18th August 1982]] including a simple circle diagram and the following text: ‘The Universe at Time Zero consists of a Singularity – concentrated energy without only [sic – “out” had been deleted but much more recently reinstated**] one dimension. As time begins to run, the creation of a 4-dimensional ‘polarity’ centred on this singularity – Space-Time – provides a counteractive (i.e. centrifugal) force to the Point-Zero Singularity (Gravity). {But see IV.149 [this entry]}’]).



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