Monday 30 January 2017

{Women and men (II)}[19th November 1987]

[Redbook4:158-159][19871119:2312k]{Women and men (II)}[19th November 1987]


I believe I my have covered some of this earlier*: just as women may be far more capable of self-sacrifice than men, being so placed on the Inner Circle; so on the outer circle, their influence on men (husbands or sons) may be strongly to drive them** round the outer circle.

This is depicted in Tarot VI, The Lover(s), where an older and a younger woman seek to persuade the young man in opposite directions: one to [Tarot] VII, the Chariot (or Career); and the other, according to the Circles, to XIV, Temperance, a young girl transferring fluid from one vessel to another.

This thought was prompted by contemplation of Christopher Logue's poem 'The Poet Mandelshtam's [sic] Debut',*** which I am delighted to have found (as an old Times cutting) recently: I have stuck it where I see it wherever I sit at the desk. Its theme of parents (and particularly, in this case, mother) putting pressure on a creative son to do (specifically) Law, is (as I think I have mentioned) a chillingly frequent one.****

*ref. [[Redbook4:147-148][19871020:2058f]{Women and Men (I)}[20th October 1987],] 147{-8}.

**[The men, presumably.]

***[See [Redbook2:129-132][19780829:2025d]{Publication [continued (5)]}[29th August 1978]]

****[Possibly in part a reference to something I was told by a neighbour (quite possibly incorrectly) about the son of the former owner of [CH], & grandson of the late author and barrister [...]; but cf. [Redbook3:13-14][19860907:0612g]{Kielder Water [continued(4)]}[7th September 1986].]


{Cross 'I'}[19th November 1987]

[Redbook4:158][19871119:2312j]{Cross 'I'}[19th November 1987]

I notice that in moments of pause for thought, I have a habit of crossing my 'I's: thus, of course, emphasising them. Vanity and fear are still problems: the fear arising most frequently from the vanity. Even in Church: Dear Lord, even in Church!


Sunday 29 January 2017

{Star Cycles (I) [continued (5)] – The Problem of Green}[19th November 1987]

[Redbook4:157-158][19871119:2312i]{Star Cycles (I) [continued (5)] – The Problem of Green}[19th November 1987]


In this* connection, it is gratifying to realise that the problem I have with green (e.g. in [2], ref. the Bright Mist)** reflects a greater hiatus: for what I am sure are good reasons (although I am also sure that I would not understand them), it seems that there are no green stars.

It is tempting to indulge in a little theological mythology (?!) to the effect that in the creation of the Universe (which, of course, continues), those powers separated from the Creator (i.e. the Centre)*** to a greater degree are responsible for the titanic forces which bring about the basic material structure; ****but out of those powers closest to the Creator, Life itself evolves. (This, however, applies only to Colours; the electro-magnetic force which (if I recall correctly) underpins Chemistry is represented at A~).#

*[See last previous entry.]
**[See final footnote in last previous entry.]

***But see later, & S&C [presumably original full-length paper version], re Core[?]. <930506>

****{cf. [[Redbook4:168][19871122:2330]{Diametric Resonance and Circle Polarity (1)}[22nd November 1987],] p168.}

#[Continues at next entry but two, [Redbook4:159][19871119:2312l]{Star Cycles (II) – 'Elemental' Sensations}[19th November 1987].]


Friday 27 January 2017

{Star Cycles (I) [continued (4)] – Colours and Circle Polarity}[19th November 1987]

[Redbook4:157][19871119:2312h]{Star Cycles (I) [continued (4)] – Colours and Circle Polarity}[19th November 1987]

Colours themselves*, of course, can be variously classified:












(Long wave)
(Short wave)


Again,** I should have preferred the spectrum to run from short wave at S~ through A~ to long wave at R~,*** but it doesn't; and this is really why green has to be at I~,**** despite the attractions (?) of A~ (e.g. Pan?). But as it stands, any movement up from A~ towards I~ is a movement out of the extremities# towards the centre, and any movement away from I~ correspondingly towards the extremities.

*[ref. [Redbook4:155][19871119:2312e]{Star Cycles (I)}[19th November 1987]ff]

**[Probably referring to the first parenthesis in the last previous entry.]

***(I wanted the wavelengths to get longer and longer (e.g. Doppler Shift) as the Universe declined....)

****Not so sure. See later ([(presumably) [Redbook4:166][19871121:2225]{The Circle of the Seasons}[21st November 1987],] p166?) <871121>

#(I broke off here to go and look at [2] ref. the point marked ** [in the next blog entry] below.)



{Star Cycles (I) [continued (3)] – The Transformation Point}[19th November 1987]

[Redbook4:156][19871119:2312g]{Star Cycles (I) [continued (3)] – The Transformation Point}[19th November 1987]


The upper diagram* is Inner Circle, with Outer Circle branches. The lower diagram* is Outer Circle (which is where I would have expected to find all natural manifestations – wrongly**, I guess). The Sun is at the meeting point of the two Outer Circle branches with the Inner Circle Main Sequence, which is also, of course, the (beginning of) the transfer [sic] point between Outer and Inner Circles at R~. It is curious to think that in the Universe, on one analysis, that is therefore where we are.

It would be interesting if it turned out that that is the only place where we could be, although that might depend on the meaning of 'we': I mean Humans in the sense of creatures with Con-science, able to know God.

*[See last previous entry.]

** – Yes, wrongly – but not necessarily so for Star Cycles – see [(presumably) [Redbook4:163][19871121:1310b]{Star Cycles (III) – The Main Sequence}[21st November 1987],]p.163. <871123>



Thursday 26 January 2017

{Star Cycles (I) [continued] – Colours [continued]}[19th November 1987]

[Redbook4:155][19871119:2312f]{Star Cycles (I) [continued] – Colours [continued]}[19th November 1987]


But* there are 2 variations shown: one ends, and the other begins, where our Sun is now:

[Extract from ms diagram.]

[Diagram text:]






(NOT blue)

↑↓ ↑

↑↓ ↑


From Nebula




(There is some flexibility in 'stretching' the Main Sequence, particularly at the red end down to J~.]

#These sequences or variations apply to the spiral arm of our Galaxy in which our Sun lies, and to 'Open Clusters'. For Globular Clusters, the central bulge of the Galaxy, and elliptical external galaxies, the Hertzsprung-Russell(?) diagram is rather different and based more on colours, and I cannot apply developmental direction to it with certainty: but if magnitude generally declines, it may be something like this:


↑ ──

[In the ms diagram the arrows (shown here as ↑,→) continuously curve clockwise round the upper semicircle, with a loop-back option (shown here as ) just before the highest point.]

*[See last previous entry.]
{This is all misunderstood: see [[Redbook4:163][19871121:1310b]{Star Cycles (III) – The Main Sequence}[21st November 1987],] p163.}

**& see [[Redbook4:161][19871121:0051]{Star Cycles (II) – The Transformation Point (II)}[21st November 1987],] p161,
[[Redbook4:163][19871121:1310b]{Star Cycles (III) – The Main Sequence}[21st November 1987],] 163

#(Ref: E[ncyclopaedia] B[ritannica].XXVIII.208)

Main Sequence Colours
(from larger to smaller):
Light blue
Pure white
Pale yellow
Yellow (Also Supergiants)
Red (Also giants)
(Per Chartrand [: Amateur Astronomy Pocket Skyguide (Newnes)])

