Monday 21 November 2016

{The Life-line}[5th October 1987]

[Redbook4:106-109][19871005:2320i]{The Life-line}[5th October 1987]


Before the 1st Death*, the Mind is {a} white marker** in a tug of war between the Material World and the Spiritual Realm. Before the 1st Death, it is necessary that neither side win completely. If the white marker is pulled towards the Material World, it brings part or all of the Soul with it, I guess, which is how the Soul become stained***; if the white marker is pulled towards the Spiritual Realm, it brings part or all of the Mind with it, which is how the Individual become sanctified.

The Spirit is not corruptible****, and I doubt whether the #Brain and Body can be de{-}materialised in the normal course of events. On the other hand, evil spirits may result from a greater pull to the Outer Circle; and there is a great tradition of Saintly control over the material body.

This metaphor is in danger of getting out of hand. The question is whether (and which)#* Death cuts the cord at the white (rope) marker, or at the 'ground' marker dividing Inner and Outer Circles in relation to which the white marker has moved.#** This question has to do with whether sanctified bodies ever ascend to Heaven, which I am inclined to reject#*** because, in the long run, I cannot see the use for them there; but I am too tired to think it out now.


*[See [Redbook4:105][19871005:2320f]{[The Mind [continued (3)]] – The Three Deaths}[5th October 1987], & [Redbook4:106][19871005:2320h]{Self-denial, and Change}[5th October 1987] (last previous entry).]

**[i.e. presumably the white cloth, handkerchief or flag tied to the centre of the rope, whose movement one way or the other from immediately above the fixed marker on the ground marks the relative success or failure of one team or the other.]

***1st occurrence of staining concept? – see [[Redbook4:206-208][19871210:2315#]{The Transfer of Burdens and the Forgiveness of Sins – (1) Transfer}[10th December 1987],] 207. <891001> [No. See [[Redbook3:42-43][19870327:2157](THE SELF, THE SOUL, AND THE SPIRIT)[27th March 1987]] & a number of subsequent entries.]

****[Not quite clear in what sense corruptible is meant here; or perhaps in both main senses, i.e. physical and moral/spiritual.]

#i.e. living(?) <891001>

#*(Second, presumably.)

#**I don't understand. <930502>

#***{But see below. [=?]}

{'Or ever the silver cord be loosed,
or the golden bowl be broken,
or the pitcher be broken at the fountain,
or the wheel broken at the cistern.
Then shall the dust return
to the earth as it was:
and the spirit shall return
unto God who gave it.'
(Ecc[lesiastes].12.6,7. [KJB/AV])}



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