Wednesday 9 November 2016

{The Dynamic Independence of Angels}[5th October 1987]

[Redbook4:97][19871005:0940]{The Dynamic Independence of Angels}[5th October 1987]


So once again,* what are Angels? – not in terms of how they are formed, or of how they might appear, but in the objective terms of Belief and Knowledge** (so far as is possible): that is to say, in terms of the categories of Direct Knowledge arising within our own minds about whose existence we are able to be absolutely certain. I think that Angels – being, on the highest plane***[,] Spirits of God inspiring Souls – and on the Spiritual plane, pure Light clothed in more or less opaque**** forms – come to us as Dynamically Independent Qualities having the Quality of Absolute Truth within our own minds.

The Dynamic Independence is independence from us,# not from God: it is the Spirit of God, which moves them. The Dynamic Independence is the Spirit: the Quality is the Soul. The Quality of Absolute Truth relates to our perception, of course, and perhaps manifests the Mastery of Christ over the Angels (“Angels” is a slightly less inaccurate description than “Spirits”, as it allows for the essential differentiating Soul: and, yes, Angels are Messengers or Agents now.#*

*[[Redbook4:85-86][19871003:1650]{Angels}[3rd October 1987]]

**ref. III.[[Redbook3:118-131][19870405:1057](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE{1})[5th April 1987]]118,
[[Redbook3:184-193][19870414:1003](BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE (2))[14th April 1987]]184,
[[Redbook3:196-202][19870416:1730]{Quality relationships (3): Dynamic Independence}[16th April 1987]]196.

***['God', the Spirit, presumably? – see [Redbook4:86][19871003:1650b]{Spirits}[3rd October 1987].]

****([[Translucent? cf. [Redbook4:91][19871003:2220]{The Appearance of Angels}[3rd October 1987]] p.91,
[1st para & 2nd fn.; but see [Redbook4:96-97][19871004:2105]{The Forms of Angels}[4th October 1987]]96 [which seems to suggest that it may be a matter of individual degree or distance as between opacity and translucence.])

#{III[[Redbook3:196-202][19870416:1730]{Quality relationships (3): Dynamic Independence}[16th April 1987]].196ffx5}

#*! [cf. [Redbook4:85-86][19871003:1650]{Angels}[3rd October 1987].]


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