Saturday 26 November 2016

{Death on the Line [continued]}[6th October 1987]

[Redbook4:111][19871006:1020g]{Death on the Line [continued]}[6th October 1987]


In practice, what this* may mean is that an Outer Circle traveller, whose Self and most of whose Soul is on the Outer Circle, when he dies, will lose, first, his Body and his Brain; and then his Self and most of his Soul, as the small Inner Circle part of his Soul is borne away inwards by the Spirit.

But an Inner Circle traveller, all of whose Soul (and most of his remaining Self?) is on the Inner Circle, will lose only Body and Brain and the Outer Circle part of his self (together with other aspects of the Brain-dependent Mind which we may only be indirectly aware of: as his Soul and perhaps his remaining Self, or at least Awareness,** are born inwards by the Spirit.***

(I am coming up against problems of definitions and demarcations, e.g. between the self that is Self-ish and dies, and the self that is aware and may continue.)

*[See last previous entry.]

**[As to Awareness/Mind/Soul, see [Redbook4:109][19871006:1020d]{The Life-line [continued (4)]}[6th October 1987], fn'**'.]

***cf. end of “[2]”.


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