Tuesday 29 November 2016

{Ghosts [continued]}[6th October 1987]

[Redbook4:112-113][19871006:1020i]{Ghosts [continued]}[6th October 1987]


This* is only to explain what Ghosts [sic] might be, not how they arise: **how aspects of the selfish mind and Soul might survive the loss of support from the Body and Brain.*** On the whole I am inclined to think that as we postulate that the Soul can survive the First and Second Deaths, it is only the Outer Circle (or stained) Soul after these Deaths which can take the form of a Ghost: the impression of selfishness and evil-spiritedness would arise from the stains**** produced on the Soul by the Self and evil spirits# before the Deaths. I doubt whether ghosts have the power to change.

I do not know how such ghosts would be able to exist at all: whether they are supported by some natural property of the Material World as they were once supported by Body and Brain; or whether they exist only in the mind of the observer (but how?) or rather, from what?)#*; or whether any Soul-quality has the property of #**independence sufficient to allow it to exist unsupported in the Spiritual Realm.#***

#***After all, not everyone is aware of ghosts: it is characteristic of spiritual manifestations that not everybody sees them ({the} same is true of some material appearances, of course).

*[See last previous entry.]

**Really, “How”? <930502>.
{(See p.113)}

***[Time? <201609>]

****{i.e. impressions. Cf. [[Redbook4:98-99][19871005:0940b]{[The Dynamic Independence of Angels [continued]] -- Good Spirits, evil spirits, and Men}[5th October 1987] (apparently),] 98 etc.}

#[i.e. evil moods – see [Redbook4:87][19871003:1650c]{Spirits [continued]}[3rd October 1987]ff.]

#*[Mental zone? <201609>]

#**(static, presumably) <930502>

#***{?} [– two lines, one pointing towards the end of the penultimate para and the other towards the start of the final para.]



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