Wednesday 30 November 2016

{[Ghosts [continued (3)]:] Evil and Tragedy}[6th October 1987]

[Redbook4:113][19871006:1020j]{[Ghosts [continued (3)]:] Evil and Tragedy}[6th October 1987]

What is striking about ghosts* is that by all accounts th[ey] are almost invariably either evil or tragic:** suggesting what I already suspect, ***that the Soul is stained (or Outer Circled) not only by Man's evil but by his failure to come to terms with personal tragedy (It is interesting, too, that evil ghosts are usually male – the Action side – and tragic ghosts are generally female – the Revolution side).

This emphasise{s} an aspect of the system which may seem almost amoral from our point of view (although that is our mistake): for who could possibly blame the tragic for remaining tragic? No-one; but we all know that we must end our mourning, and this may be one aspect of the reason why: the effect of God's Love at the Death of the Self – when {“}God will wipe every tear from every eye{”}**** – is that the tears are left behind.

*[See last previous entry.]

**{III} [Unclear to what this refers.]

***cf.III, ... [Unclear to what this refers; possibly [Redbook3:101-102][19870404:1005k]{The Righting of Wrongs}[4th April 1987]ff.]

****Rev[elation].6:17 [sic; unclear why?], 21:4 (ex Is[aiah].25:8)[:] 'God will wipe away all tears from their eyes'. <891001>
[Revelation 6:17: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Revelation 21:4: And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Isaiah 25:8: He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.
(-Authorised/King James Version)]



Tuesday 29 November 2016

{Ghosts [continued]}[6th October 1987]

[Redbook4:112-113][19871006:1020i]{Ghosts [continued]}[6th October 1987]


This* is only to explain what Ghosts [sic] might be, not how they arise: **how aspects of the selfish mind and Soul might survive the loss of support from the Body and Brain.*** On the whole I am inclined to think that as we postulate that the Soul can survive the First and Second Deaths, it is only the Outer Circle (or stained) Soul after these Deaths which can take the form of a Ghost: the impression of selfishness and evil-spiritedness would arise from the stains**** produced on the Soul by the Self and evil spirits# before the Deaths. I doubt whether ghosts have the power to change.

I do not know how such ghosts would be able to exist at all: whether they are supported by some natural property of the Material World as they were once supported by Body and Brain; or whether they exist only in the mind of the observer (but how?) or rather, from what?)#*; or whether any Soul-quality has the property of #**independence sufficient to allow it to exist unsupported in the Spiritual Realm.#***

#***After all, not everyone is aware of ghosts: it is characteristic of spiritual manifestations that not everybody sees them ({the} same is true of some material appearances, of course).

*[See last previous entry.]

**Really, “How”? <930502>.
{(See p.113)}

***[Time? <201609>]

****{i.e. impressions. Cf. [[Redbook4:98-99][19871005:0940b]{[The Dynamic Independence of Angels [continued]] -- Good Spirits, evil spirits, and Men}[5th October 1987] (apparently),] 98 etc.}

#[i.e. evil moods – see [Redbook4:87][19871003:1650c]{Spirits [continued]}[3rd October 1987]ff.]

#*[Mental zone? <201609>]

#**(static, presumably) <930502>

#***{?} [– two lines, one pointing towards the end of the penultimate para and the other towards the start of the final para.]



Monday 28 November 2016

{Ghosts}[6th October 1987]

[Redbook4:111-113][19871006:1020h]{Ghosts}[6th October 1987]


What is intriguing about this* is its co-incidence with accounts of ghosts, which on the whole I do not take that seriously. The best book I ever read on the subject, however, was Jessie Adelaide Middleton's Grey Ghost Book: presented as the fruits of careful historical and evidential research, and (given its period) might even be so.**

It is notable that the 'stronger' (or more self-willed) ghosts are seen to be, the more wicked generally were their former lives; and the 'weaker' (or more transparent or flimsy) ghosts are seen to be, the less wicked (but often more tragic) generally were their former lives or characters.

(This of course reflects the Materialist [sic; =?] view of Men in general; but it is not the whole view: I have not heard of the ghost of a Saint, except as mythical explanation of a natural effect.) I hazard a ***guess that what we may be seeing is what is left between the 1st Death (of the Brain) and the Second Death (of the Self), or an impression of it.

In the most wicked {of Men} this would be virtually the whole Mind: Self (etc.)****, Stained Soul, even evil spirits? – and perhaps the Soul's own projection of of the body: or the Stained Soul as Form.# Such an impression would be complete#*, strong, and potentially terrifying: but ultimately, to one who had self-knowledge and the direction of the Spirit, harmless.

In the less wicked but self-centred this might simply be a diaphanous Soul-form without the Inner Light of the Spirit but moved by the vestiges of the Self#** or by other currents of which we may not be aware.

The more fully-realised #*** a Man on the Inner Circle, the less he would leave behind between First and (vestigial) Second Death: so we do not come across good ghosts, only Good Spirits (or Angels) – who may, however, have some power over ghosts.

*[See last previous entries.]

**[The edition I have is dated 1930.]
{cf. III.[[Redbook3:114-115][19870404:1821j]{Mysticism, Witchcraft and the Occult}[4th April 1987],]115. (I am repeating myself!)}

***(very speculative)

****as imprinted on the Soul? [& see [Redbook4:109][19871006:1020d]{The Life-line [continued (4)]}[6th October 1987],fn3]

#cf. [[Redbook4:96-97][19871004:2105]{The Forms of Angels}[4th October 1987],] p.96.

#*Not 'complete' in a spiritual sense, i.e. not implying 'perfect' – of course. <930502>

#**as imprinted on the Soul?




Saturday 26 November 2016

{Death on the Line [continued]}[6th October 1987]

[Redbook4:111][19871006:1020g]{Death on the Line [continued]}[6th October 1987]


In practice, what this* may mean is that an Outer Circle traveller, whose Self and most of whose Soul is on the Outer Circle, when he dies, will lose, first, his Body and his Brain; and then his Self and most of his Soul, as the small Inner Circle part of his Soul is borne away inwards by the Spirit.

But an Inner Circle traveller, all of whose Soul (and most of his remaining Self?) is on the Inner Circle, will lose only Body and Brain and the Outer Circle part of his self (together with other aspects of the Brain-dependent Mind which we may only be indirectly aware of: as his Soul and perhaps his remaining Self, or at least Awareness,** are born inwards by the Spirit.***

(I am coming up against problems of definitions and demarcations, e.g. between the self that is Self-ish and dies, and the self that is aware and may continue.)

*[See last previous entry.]

**[As to Awareness/Mind/Soul, see [Redbook4:109][19871006:1020d]{The Life-line [continued (4)]}[6th October 1987], fn'**'.]

***cf. end of “[2]”.


{Death on the Line}[6th October 1987]

[Redbook4:110][19871006:1020f]{Death on the Line}[6th October 1987]


My guess* is that the First Death**, death of the Body and Brain, is a death on the Outer Circle cutting off everything beyond or outside the Brain/Mind interface; the Second Death, which must happen very shortly afterwards in our Time if it has not happened under Self-control before the First Death, is a Death of the Outer Circle, i.e. at the border between Outer and Inner Circle (I guess).

This means that the cut-off point of the First Death moves radially along the Cord (or lifeline) irrespective of the Individual's radial position on the Circles; whereas the cut-off point of the Second Death moves circumferentially along the Circles Border irrespective of the Individual's radial position on the Lifeline. This may have something to do with how the Second Death ([i.e. the Death of] of the Self) can precede the first [sic] (of the Brain).

The Third Death, of the Soul, is a Fusion with the Soul/Spirit of God and happens at {or just before} the Centre Point.

*[See last previous entry.]

**[[Redbook4:105][19871005:2320f]{[The Mind [continued (3)]] – The Three Deaths}[5th October 1987]ff.]



Friday 25 November 2016

{Radial Resonance and Contra-rotation}[6th October 1987]

[Redbook4:109-110][19871006:1020e]{Radial Resonance and Contra-rotation}[6th October 1987]


In terms of Resonance, this* is Radial Resonance** as depicted in the diagram***. But the crucial manifestation of the working of the Circles is Contra-rotation, since the Outer and Inner Circle rotations from Crisis are opposite to each other. Here the Cord metaphor become difficult to sustain, but the principle remains the same:-

The Cord and Contra-Rotational [sic] Resonance:

[Diagram text by radial lines (Cords#):]

[Radial line (Cord):]
[Lower left cord:]
Body, Brain, Self |8| (Soul)
Radial Resonance
[Left ascending (O.C.)#*]
[Lower right cord/radius:]
Contra rotation [sic]
[Right ascending (I.C.)#*]
[Upper right radius:]
(Diametric Resonance)
[Right descending extension of [1] across Circle]

[Circle text:]
[Centre point]
#[Presumably; (Cords not chords....)] #*[O.C. = (presumed) Outer Circle, I.C = (presumed) Inner Circle.]

*[See last previous entry.]

**[See [Redbook4:63][19870820:1800l]{Circle Relationships [continued(10)] – Radial Resonance}[20th August 1987]]

***[See last previous entry but one.]

