Thursday 31 March 2016

(TAROT NUMBERING, AGES AND OCCUPATIONS [continued(3)])[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:159-160][19870409:1345p](TAROT NUMBERING, AGES AND OCCUPATIONS [continued(3)])[9th April 1987]


This* is the first time I have directly compared the idea for T[arot Card]II -TV with that for the Suited Number Cards**. It is possible that TII-TV do overlay the Suited Number Cards, possibly as a spiral of TII-TV passing gradually inwards across the Suited Numbers until the level of Knave is reached.*** I don't know.****

One can suggest early- (or whole-) life associations for Tarots II-V (bearing in mind their positions on the whole Circles, and their Outer and Inner Circle qualities):

High Priestess
High Priest

A problem with this# is that it suggests#* that the Suits#** of the Lesser Trumps fit (i.e. between) this pattern; but as they are traditionally linked with the Grail symbols (if not necessarily in the way I have done it) they do in any case provide a link of the [Suited] Number Cards with the Greater Trumps both directly and in co-ordination with the Constellations and other symbols.

*[See last two previous entries.]

**[See last previous entry, first footnote, for an explanation of the terms used.]

***(Entertaining, that when men reach the summit of their occupations, in the UK, they are often Knighted....)

****The concept of Contra-rotation makes these relationships easier to reconcile. <870816>

#(I tried something similar with the Cardinal and Diagonal Qualities and a mathematical series of years some years ago). {cf. II.242; IV.47.}


#**[The Suits: Swords/Spades, Plates/Diamonds, Rods/Clubs, Cups/Hearts.]



Wednesday 30 March 2016

(TAROT NUMBERING, AGES AND OCCUPATIONS [continued])[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:158-159][19870409:1345o](TAROT NUMBERING, AGES AND OCCUPATIONS [continued])[9th April 1987]


Intuitively, I tend to associate [Tarot Cards]* II-V with my own pre-Outer[-]Circle adult life, when I was perhaps learning by observation rather than experience; 0-I might be the transition from the innocent naivety of childhood to youth “adulthood” at around sixteen.

Intuitively also (and more recently) I tend to associate the Suited Number Cards of the Lesser [sic]** Trumps with a vision of the general masses of the population moving gradually inwards as they grow and experience life in their different ways, without (necessarily) moving round in the learning or developing sense of the Greater Trumps**, until they reach the Court Cards. Whether this slightly elitist conception is correct, or complete, I really do not know.

*[See last previous entry.]

**[So-known; see last previous entry, first footnote, for an explanation of the terms used.]




[Redbook3:158][19870409:1345n](TAROT NUMBERING, AGES AND OCCUPATIONS)[9th April 1987]


Taking the entire Tarot Pack – Greater and Lesser Trumps [sic*] – the implication of the numbering is that whereas the Greater Trumps follow the directions** of their numbering, 0/I to XXI/0 round, the Lesser Trumps follow the direction of their numbering I-X, within each Suit (Swords/Spades, Plates/Diamonds, Rods/Clubs, Cups/Hearts), inwards, towards the centre, in the I-X stage; but that when they reach the Court Cards they take on the dynamic as well as locational qualities of those Cards.***

****The implication may be that there are gradations away from the Centre, outside the Knave (Outer Outer?!), through which one does not travel round the Centre, merely straight inwards.

If one does travel round, one might expect to do so in an Outer Circle direction; except that the Tarot Cards II-V seem to suggest a different direction outside the Outer Circle#. Tarots II-V do not fit (in my view) the Suits; this may suggest two different approaches to the Outer and Inner Circles, or that TII-V may be applied to any number level of the Suits, or generally to the Suits.

This is all highly speculative; but interesting.#*

*[So-known. The Greater Trumps are the cards most commonly known for fortune-telling; the Lesser Trumps are essentially the modern playing cards, which also sometimes employ one or two Jokers. Within the Lesser Trumps, the Court Cards are the Kings, Queens, Knights and Knaves/Jacks; the Suited Number Cards are the rest.]

**(but see p137 [[Redbook3:136-137][19870407:0940](SEX AND GENDER [continued(4)])[7th April 1987], final para].)

***(but see p64[[Redbook3:64][19870329:1210n]{The Tarot Pack (and Quest Romances)}[29th March 1987]].)


#(ref. p137 [[Redbook3:136-137][19870407:0940](SEX AND GENDER [continued(4)])[7th April 1987], final para].)

#*I don't understand it! <930418>



(COLOURS)[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:157-158][19870409:1345m](COLOURS)[9th April 1987]


Colours are a continuing problem. I think I first started to work out this one when I was at the London College of Printing* on an evening Small Offset Litho course.

I have always been reasonably happy with the horizontal red-blue polarity between +K and +M (although references to Red for Action and Blue for the Virgin Mary have made me think a bit)**. The problem lies in between, and particularly with Black, White, Grey and Green on the vertical polarity; after you have sorted this one out the rest tend to fall into place, at least once the basic idea of White at the top and black at the bottom (+Mk) is accepted: because from Red and Blue, Purple and Mauve tend 'outwards' (i.e. towards the Separation, +Mk) and Yellow and Light Blue tend 'inwards' i.e. towards unity; and the Archetypes tend to adopt their colours very happily.

So the problem is really where Black, White, Grey and Green – and Clear – fit in. I suppose it may arise because of the limitations of a two-dimensional drawing (and of symbolism).*** I am relatively happy with Black for Outer Circle +Mk (Distraction); Green seems sensible for Diversity (Inner Circle +Mk)****; Grey seems explicable for Outer Circle +C as a veiled White, although not very attractive, if White is Inner Circle +C#. (For Circle, one should perhaps read Disc.) The Clear Light at the Centre is the original One 'behind' (or at the central Singularity of) the Disc from which White and Black arise; and from White, of course (by Black?) all other colours are split. This is supposition: I don't know.

Colour charts in two dimensions might help. The trouble is that it does not seem quite right in relation to the actual layout of the colour spectrum. Should it? It might help to introduce a third dimension in the colour chart, making it more like a sphere#* or raising the visible centre of the disc to a shallow cone.#** I'm not sure. In any case, I believe that the colours as placed symbolise reasonably well the qualities etc. they are attached to, on the whole (Sorry about the blue Lion)#***.

*{c1980/1981}[Actually academic year1981/82: cf. [Redbook2:202-203][19810914:1900a]{An Epileptic Fit}[14th September 1981]; or on an Appreciation of Printing Processes course the previous year/term(s).]

**(but Red for Danger and Revolution.) [I believe the crux of this may be how one understands Action.] (but Virgo.)

***{cf. Booklet (S&C): R-1 note.}

****{or for Outer Circle +C (Attraction)!}

#{Then Black should be Inner Circle +Mk.!}

#*Ball (see p.156 [[Redbook3:156][19870409:1345k](SPIRITUAL ETHICS [continued(5)])[9th April 1987]]). 

#*{See later and [S&C?] Booklet R-1 note.}

#**{cf. XVI:15-25.}

#***Still a problem: cf [2], & S&C (Booklet) L-1. <930418>

{See IV; also II.237 [[Redbook2:237-238][19820809:0845b]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral/Church}[9th August 1982];
&cf. [Redbook2:239A][19820809:0845c]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral [continued]}[9th August 1982];
[Redbook2:241-242][19820813:1945a]{A Dream: The Unfinished Cathedral [continued]: Circles}[13th August 1982]],
& esp. II.240 Red Note [=?];
& cf. III.196[=?].}


Monday 28 March 2016

(QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS(2))[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:156][19870409:1345l](QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS(2))[9th April 1987]


*Reverting to the xA – xP diagonal**: I meant to add that the xA outer quality is often apparent in those of an intellectual frame of mind, particularly in academic life. It is important to realise that there is a polarity and tension between such minds, which often show an expert interest in the products of the Arts and even a professional competence in the production of the Art-forms, on the one hand; and the Artistic mind, on the other, which can seem to be hopelessly outclassed, but which, for all its frequent confusion and incoherence, is** where the Fire is.

***I tend to think that the Outer diagonal [relationship] demonstrates clearly**** how hopelessly wrong and misplaced I should have been as a Lawyer# (and why my service with the Territorial Army [& Volunteer Reserve] was, up to a point, useful and interesting for me, but not much use to the Army).

*[Ref. [Redbook3:147][19870409:1345](QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS{1})[9th April 1987].]

**(or should be!)

***{p150)[[Redbook3:149-150][19870409:1345d](QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS{1}[continued(4)]:{Resonance[?]}])[9th April 1987]].}

****{Not as much as this does?}

#{But see later....}
Interestingly, now, after finishing the basic booklet#* work, I am finding the cool dryness of legal textbooks refreshing for the first time ever; but I can only justify the work by an intention to help those who need it (in unpaid work for the Citizens Advice Bureau). <930418>

#*[Probably S&C; or just possibly 'The Descent of the Spirit', part-drafted but neither finished nor edited at the date of this note; although that was much longer than a booklet. <20160129>]


Sunday 27 March 2016

(SPIRITUAL ETHICS [continued(5)])[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:156][19870409:1345k](SPIRITUAL ETHICS [continued(5)])[9th April 1987]


There must, I think, be an illogicality in the justification of (say) Christian ethics without Christianity: it has a hollow centre (the Circles don't: they are really Discs*). Even Humanism, I believe, owes its character to Christian civilisation. Attempts to explain ethics in terms of biology or socio-biology do not do anything at all to justify us in continuing to observe them. First Principles beg a First Cause.

{See Vol. IV/V.}


Saturday 26 March 2016

(SPIRITUAL ETHICS [continued(4)][:Locality Plan])[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:155][19870409:1345j](SPIRITUAL ETHICS [continued(4)][:Locality Plan])[9th April 1987]


I did, many years ago, try to develop a structure* of communities** which would give to the Individual the maximum practicable independence to rule his own life without leaving those who needed help bereft of it***. I destroyed almost all of the work – except for the bare summaries – because I became convinced that it had been tainted by too much political ideology and influence arising from the circumstances of the time. I suspect that the reason why this happened was because, although I envisaged a three-tier system (if I recall correctly) as follows:

(1) Religion
(2) Ethics
(3) Administration

each tier of which should depend on the one above, I also felt that each tier should be able to be justified on its own;**** and I started from the bottom, i.e. the dependent, instead of at the top, the Independent.

(I think my interim statement for Religion was: #(Remember,) “All is One”; and for Ethics was: “Be true with yourself, and to all others; and care for All.” – alright, perhaps, so far as they go; but insufficiently explored and developed to provide a basis for an entire system of Administration.)

All the same, the basic idea wasn't all bad#*; it owed something (unconsciously) to the Chinese experience, but started life as an attempt to justify the maximum possible railway network!

*'Locality Plan.' <930418>
[See [Redbook3:176-180][19870412:2137b](FREEDOM AND COMMUNITY [continued])[12th April 1987]]

**[See last previous entry.]

***{cf. I.114[[Redbook1:114-116][19700120:1605]{The Cluster}[20th January 1970]].}

****(cf. Goodison's Christian Ethics without Christianity (p148).)

#There was, I think, also an introduction to these in the [shorter, abandoned] fictions: 'Be alert#**: be aware;' – but I'm not sure that I divided the statements between Religion and Ethics then. <930418>

#*{See p176 [[Redbook3:176-180][19870412.1525](FREEDOM AND COMMUNITY)[12th April 1987]]}

#**[Can't help being reminded somehow of that spoof Army poster which I think I first saw in 2 Div HQ in Germany in the mid/late 1970s: “Be alert. The Army needs lerts.”]



Friday 25 March 2016

(SPIRITUAL ETHICS [continued(3)])[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:154][19870409:1345i](SPIRITUAL ETHICS [continued(3)])[9th April 1987]


Nevertheless* the Community is important to the Spiritual Seeker, because the Spiritual State of Mankind and of his fellow Men is important to him, as [it is] to God: and the right state of [sic] Community would be of immense significance in improving the general Spiritual State, leading towards what many have described as the Holy City. But such a Community must be built from the inside outwards, following and accompanying Transformation within the minds of Men, which will evolve its structures, so that the Inner Circle qualities percolate out to infuse their Outer Circle counterparts. Imposed** solutions to material disadvantages are of little relevance*** to that process – so far as I can see: whether the solutions are imposed by legal or by social pressure.

*[See last previous entry.]


***(Little – but not none.) <890930([89]1001)>



Thursday 24 March 2016

(SPIRITUAL ETHICS [continued])[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:153-154][19870409:1345h](SPIRITUAL ETHICS [continued])[9th April 1987]


At root, the problem* is one of differing priorities. Generally, Individuals and Communities have a scale of priorities on which material considerations and social obligations come highest, and Spiritual affairs fairly low, if they are recognised at all (There are exceptions). Individuals interested in Spiritual Development tend to move gradually towards a state in which it is the most important thing in their lives. The former scale of priorities could be described as Outer, the latter Inner. On the Inner scale, everything else tends gradually to become subordinated to the requirements of the Spirit: and where other people's ideas of their own welfare do not fit in with this personal scale of priorities, they are generally ignored.

To put it another way, a problem which to an Outer point of view will **appear to require a material (or Outer) solution, to an Inner point of view will appear to require a mental (or Inner) solution, e.g. an adjustment of material expectations in the Outer viewpoint.***

/*(In my part-developed state, I had wanted to say “often (but not always)” of the Inner view: but it is possible in practice, and maybe essential in theory, that ultimately the Inner viewpoint will never need to compromise).*/

Only to an Outer (e.g. political) point of view will an adjustment to lower the material expectations seem like a betrayal of faith – Outer faith; to an Inner (i.e. Spiritual) point of view it is an act of faith, at least; or at best, an act of Knowledge, an Act of Truth.****

*[See last previous entry.]

**[See /*...*/ in text above.]

***{cf. p.74 [[Redbook3:74-75][19870329:1210x](Church Material [continued])[29th March 1987]].}

**** -- An act of self-denial. <930418>

(ref. Discussions on the Church and Politics [above] [Redbook3:106-111][19870404:1821](THE CHURCH AND POLITICS {1})[4th April 1987]; [Redbook3:146][19870408:1218e](THE CHURCH AND POLITICS{2})[8th April 1987]].)



Wednesday 23 March 2016

(SPIRITUAL ETHICS)[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:152-156][19870409:1345g](SPIRITUAL ETHICS)[9th April 1987]


People with an interest in Inner or Spiritual Development are often criticised for appearing to take no interest in anyone else's welfare but their own: which seems to be the extreme of selfishness, particularly in those who commonly lay stress on reducing the importance of the self. Such Individuals often seem to have no sense of the community, or their obligations towards it, or the benefits they receive from it, at all.

As with so many matters of judgement, it depends where you are looking from: on your viewpoint, or point of view, or angle, if you like. Individuals interested in Spiritual Development are genuinely intensely interested in the Spiritual welfare of other Individuals who are, or show signs of, being similarly interested in it. They are likely to learn fairly early on, however, that members of the wider Community generally do not welcome any kind of reference to Spiritual affairs, regarding such reference as distasteful, and an interference. Most of us*, therefore, do not offer conversation on Spiritual affairs unless invited to do so.

Communities of Individuals interested in Spiritual development exist, of course, but are generally regarded with suspicion by the wider Community – not least because of their corrupt imitators.

*[But see next entry, 3rd para, /*...*/, first five words, to first comma.]

**{or, their own tendency towards corruption.}



Tuesday 22 March 2016

(INNER AND OUTER CHRIST)[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:151-152][19870409:1345f](INNER AND OUTER CHRIST)[9th April 1987]


One of these* is the relationship between Inner and Outer Christ Archetype Qualities. The Outer Quality is Attraction: the Inner is Unity. I have had some trouble, thinking about this (relatively early)** pattern (which is somewhat fixed in the Circle structure) in relation to the Christ Archetype as commonly experienced. I think it can be resolved.

Many people are attracted to Christ: in the Gospels, Jesus attracted by his teaching, healing and general personality. This is the Outer Archetype: many feel its attraction and remember it, but live on the Outer Circle without letting it work its Transformation on them.

Some, however, allow themselves to be called towards Unity with Christ and, ultimately, Union with God: in the Gospels, these would have been Jesus' Disciples, that is the Twelve Apostles and the relatively small number of those (such as Mary Magdalen[e], Lazarus? etc.) who loved him and went with him and whom he sent out to do his work (one has the impression that he sent out more disciples than just the twelve Apostles, at one stage)***. This Unity is the Inner Archetype (shown in the unity of the very early Christian community?) which, I suspect, is the quality ****through which (and to which) the Inner Circle Transformation occurs.

The two qualities are strongly interrelated, as this is the meeting point of the two Circles, the point of Crisis: I do not know exactly what path is taken by any Individual. The Attraction is, or should be, towards the Unity; perhaps Individuals respond to it according to their own Nature, which is their need for particular types of development, bearing in mind that each Circle starts and ends with Christ? 'I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.'[sic]#

*[i.e. new lines of speculative reflection; see last previous entry.]

**(But Unity came late.) <880805>

***Of course: Lk 10:1-20. <890930[&/or89]1001>


#Rev. 22.13: 'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.' <930418>
cf [Vol.] VI.
I have tried to analyse the Gospels in Action/Revelation terms – without great success (ref. p. 40 [[Redbook3:40-41][19870326:1543t]{Gospel Circles}[26th March 1987]][&[Redbook3:40-41][19870326:1543u]{Gospel Circles [continued]}[26th March 1987]]) in the central sections. This reflection suggests dividing what Jesus said to, and did with, the general audience, from what he said to, and did with, his own Disciples.


Monday 21 March 2016

(METHODOLOGY:)(Speculative Reflection)[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:150-151][19870409:1345e](METHODOLOGY:)(Speculative Reflection)[9th April 1987]


This* sort of speculative reflection seems useful in that it enables one to explore the general by reference to the particular: both particular circumstances and particular symbols etc.. The writing is generally both an exposition of an idea that comes fully formed, without being worked through; and an attempt to analyse, support** and criticise the idea. While I am writing, other ideas will arise, some following the main line of reflection, others branching out in new lines; unfortunately, I forget a lot of these, particularly the new lines, before I am ready to write them; but I suspect that they arise again later, just as some of them have arisen before.

*[See last previous entry(/ies).]

**(e.g. by argument and application.)


Sunday 20 March 2016

(QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS{1}[continued(4)]:{Resonance[?]}])[9th April 1987]

[Redbook3:149-150][19870409:1345d](QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS{1}[continued(4)]:{Resonance[?]}])[9th April 1987]


In terms of the xP area and the xA area,* the relationships may be depicted roughly as follows:**

(Element: Air)
Outer: Ordination (Tarot VII Chariot (Career?))
xA (Army Officers; Doctors, Lawyers)
(Scorpio, etc.)
Inner: Harmony (Tarot XX Judgement)
</>Distractive</> – >/<Attractive>/<
Inner: Creation (Tarot XVI Tower (Lightning?)
xP (Artists; Introverts; Anxiety) (Taurus etc,)
Outer: Fragmentation (Tarot XI Fortitude (Overcoming?)
(Element: Fire)

I abstract these aspects of the two Archetypes (leaving out colours etc.) because they seem to illustrate rather well the relationship between the two Archetypes' types; and in particular, explain why so many successful and capable men like [OH]*** are so strongly attracted towards the Arts, and in particular the visual arts, but also to Creativity and its products in general. [OH] himself, I noticed, has a string of chairmanships etc. of Arts-related institutions.**** I have seen this curious (symbiotic?) relationship between (for example) the City# and the Arts in action#*, and I know that it can work very well. I have also seen it work very badly, with near-disastrous results. I hazard a guess that the key to success and mutual benefit may once again have to do with the relative importance of the Self#**, deciding whether the relationship is predominantly of the Inner or Outer Circle.#***

*[See last previous entry.]

**[In the ms the arrows represented here as follows (i.e. below, to the left of =) are shown (running diagonally between lower left and upper right) as follows (i.e below, to the right of =) (shown here horizontally, conceptually):
</> = ←| |→
>/< = |→ ←|

***[See entry before last previous entry.]

****(but NB his birthdate turns out to be 16th May – see p148 margin[al footnote] – would I have written this differently if I had known? Perhaps the moral is to remind one that many influences decide the Type. Maybe it's not Attraction of Inner Opposites: maybe he's trying to find his way back?)

#Capitalism, of course, is probably an expression from c. M~ to c. R~-C~ -- re G~ side. <930418>

#*[In clients.]

#** xA/Scorpio is also the home of a particular kind of leader.... perhaps the rather remote one. <871008>

#***See also p156[[Redbook3:156][19870409:1345#](QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS{2}])[9th April 1987]]{; IV.120}.
